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The Revelation  Watchman

ANTICHRIST IS HERE - Flattery of Prince Hassan Bin Talal - Antichrist Series Vol. 5 pt1

Writer's picture: West "Watchman" BrooksWest "Watchman" Brooks

One end of days clue the Bible gives about who the Antichrist will be, is that he will deceive the world with "flattery". That translates to "fine promises." Now we believe the scripture is pointing to Prince Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan as the man of sin who will be the Antichrist in the future. So watch in his own words how his flattery, human dignity, is already positioning him as the "prince of peace."

all right so now we're going to jump into this topic and first want to give the backdrop to this where right now most common teachings about this that this antichrist this future figure who's going to come is going to give world peace the world's just going to be endowed with just his insight and his intellect and he's going to be giving this type of peace the world has never seen before the bible talks about this so let's jump to scripture and start there and then from there we're going to see the parallels with what scripture says and who we see the scriptures are talking to everything the scriptures point to who will be that man of sin the person who will be the future antichrist he's not that person now but he will be that person all right so let's jump into this we want to start with the word of god now daniel 11 32 a lot of chapters in the book of daniel talks about this uh individual the antichrist but what we're going to do is go to verse 32 and chapter 11. it says those who do wickedly against the covenant he the antichrist shall corrupt with flattery and if you take the word flattery here let's see what strong's dictionary is talking about it says that if flattery means smoothness flattery or fine promises it means smoothness flattery or fine promises so what we're learning from this verse is that those who do wickedly against the covenant the ten commandments those who do wickedly against it he antichrist shall corrupt with the flattery so antichrist is going to be those who are against those who are against god antichrist will be able to woo them he will be able to just move them in such a way that they will believe everything he's saying because he has these fine promises what he's going to do with this world of corrupt individuals and wicked individuals is that he's going to move them in a way that they will start to revere him because of the smoothness of talk that he has because of the fine promises that he has and because of that they will be corrupt because of his smoothness and fine promises so it's not just the flattery itself that's going to be able to deceive the world into following this guy remember there's a preliminary there's a preliminary phase before the man of sin is revealed to the world case in point if you can watch my previous video where i discuss this but remember the answer christ has another title many titles but one of them is called son of perdition and that title was only given to two individuals antichrist and judas so if you see that what the holy spirit is showing us he's teaching us that parallels between the antichrist and judas should be obvious enough for us to see that we can learn from judas to understand the antichrist we could see what judas did said acted etc to be able to understand future what the future antichrist will do say and the way he will act and the case in point i want to bring home is that remember that the son of perdition or judas wasn't revealed to be the one who would betray jesus he didn't he wasn't revealed to be the devil until satan entered him but all leading to that time jesus kept saying what are you the devil why are you gonna betray me one are you gonna be one you're not mine when are you gonna betray me over and over and over again for the three years of jesus ministry he kept saying you wanted you will be be some be that person who betray him the son of perdition but it wasn't until the time where he was revealed when jesus kissed him then it was like oh that was the guy he was the one that jesus was talking about so he was revealed but he was always there the disciples jesus followers could see him hear him talk to him engage with them fellowship with him he was one who carried the purse was one of talking about the needy so he was very obvious was some hidden figure that just popped out of nowhere and betrayed jesus he was visible could be seen oh open to the crowds to the public to jesus followers and then at a specific time he was revealed so that's the parallels that we could see with judas in the future answer christ now this is the person that we believe that the scriptures are talking about prince hassan bintala he's the one that the scriptures we believe are pointing to him to be the antichrist the future antichrist remember he has not been revealed yet but this this is the leading up to that right now he's a humanitarian prince who wants peace water and interfaith dialogue with the world so let's see what he has to say about it so when we go to his website you'll find he has four different pillars about his view or his ambitions in the world one is human dignity in the arab world two is water energy the human environment three is regional cooperation and for interfaith solidarity or interfaith dialogue i've been following this man for years folks years and you'll find in his speech his commentary his opinion pieces and papers his interviews these four pillars are repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again so that when you see this man this prince passed over for a crown where he should have been king but he was passed over now he wants to be revered and recognized for something passed over he should be king but he's passed over something now he's being known or he's portraying himself and he's showing the world by these pillars this is who he is now when we see these pillars we see his ambition how beautiful does it look that this man this prince is just the most caring person the world has ever seen let's break down these pillars and see what they mean okay so let's go to human dignity well he wants to improve human circumstance well let's hear in his own words what does that mean his royal highness prince al-hasan bin talal of jordan is working tirelessly to improve the standards of sanitation which will transform lives globally your highness thank you so much for uh taking the time to talk to us about the work you're doing to improve access to water and sanitation around the world i know that you are now chairing the un secretary general's advisory board on water and sanitation this is an issue you've been very passionate about for many many years just explain to us why it's something that you've really taken to your heart because of the human face of it because the children all over the world are not going to realize their potential boys and girls unless they have the chance of making it beyond the age of five millions of children are dying as a result of cholera typhoid all sorts of diseases are directly linked to unclean water so right there you saw how he was describing how though he's so concerned about the world and children and water water is just something that's dear to his heart we've just got to do something about making sure that water is is given and distributed throughout the world folks scripture told us the truth satan rules this world you can easily do a google search and see the world's wealth consolidating to a few fewer and even fewer individuals half the world's wealth is combined to just a few individuals they're not sharing the whole world's issue with water could easily be filled but they're not giving any of that so we see that this idea that oh my goodness we could just need things to get better it's not going to get better because satan is not going to let that happen he is going to make sure the one he does want to be revered as the problem solver be his haircut race but going back to the point you see how princess on this law is talking about compassion of human face to children with god through something about the children how many times have that been like this being used over and over and over again for their for individuals own self in self selfishness or their own self interest never giving much to the children well that concludes this video if this was very helpful to you make sure you put in the comment below jesus is coming or give me a thumbs up so that when other questions come here they can see that this video is a video they should watch because remember folks this isn't talked about in churches pastors don't talk about it and folks christians don't even like to read the book of revelation so we gotta do what we can do to help message help god's messages get out if you want more information i recommend you subscribe to my website or become a member at my website in either case i really would appreciate your support or you can watch one of my other videos here to help give you more information on these topics but whatever the case don't lose hope folks because jesus is [Music]


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