The next prophecy to watch for could fulfill very soon. Watch Queen Elizabeth of UK & Queen Margrethe of Denmark to fulfill prophecy from the book of revelation. This will depict the end time building up, leading to the climax of the rapture and Jesus second coming. This video will show you just what prophecy to watch for so that when it happens, Jesus can in crease in your heart, so that you are ready for His return.
now in this video you're going to learn about the next prophecy to watch for revelation 17 12 previously we saw that revelation 17 11 it just happened now we're going to look at the next prophecy to watch for of Revelation 17 12 which is the abdication of the removal or the last two queens which will then give rise to the prophesied future 10 Kings then after that you'll be able to understand who the ten Kings are mentioned in the book of Revelation in which they've got those particular ones running then give their power to the false prophet who would then give his power to the Antichrist so all these things are gonna trigger one event right after another and that's what you're gonna learn today now I'm so thankful God led you here to this channel and I'm West watching Brooks of the Revelation Christian comm and what I do is I help Christians understand the book of Revelation to prepare them for Jesus that can come in the rapture where the dead in Christ will rise and those who remain would join Jesus linked in the cloud so far several times I've said things to watch for that the Lord has confirmed or fulfilled and according to Scripture if you believe God's Word scripture tells us that when the word of the Prophet comes to pass that won't be known as one whom the Lord has sent and what I said here in this photo you can see what I said in June 2014 later came to pass September 2014 just as the Lord taught which I said so that you can know that you could trust those the teachings here we were being led by the Holy Spirit we are students of the Holy Spirit learning what he is showing and if you find after watching this video that was very informative if you increased Jesus in your heart you find more understanding in the book of Revelation and then I highly encourage you to visit the revelation Christian comm there you can find a lot more resources to help your growth and understanding the book of Revelation or you can sign up and become join the join their mailing list and get news updates video updates of things that's going on or you can join a community of Revelation Christians and start a conversation and dialogue about the things you might be interested in and also have a new subscription service have a podcast subscription service what I want to do is provide you daily weekly news updates to what's going on in the world it relates to the book of Revelation domestic events global events my news broad analysis my discerning point of view biblical perspective on these different things that's happening with in the news stuff is popping off so much I want to be able to give it to you in a podcast format so visit the website go to podcast subscription it's a paid service I hope you'll find it very beneficial in your walk with Christ that way you can know what to watch for I can keep you in the loop a lot more engaging in information than what we normally do here so visit a website podcast subscription I hope you find that service serves you well now if you haven't seen the previous video we just finished talking about revelation 17 in window we ended off with Pope Francis where we talked about how he fulfilled revelation 17 11 so we're in revelation 17 if you haven't seen the video highly encourage that you take a look at it I'll post it on the card that comes up here and you definitely want to take a look at that so you can have some a back story or understand pedal back a little bit and see what we're talking about before we move forward so if you haven't seen that go check that out but we're gonna pick up from there maybe you go a little maybe verse before that we're gonna start at verse 10 start from there and then we're gonna move forward to see what's gonna happen next alright so let's take a look at this very excited we got a lot to talk about so we're in revelation 17 verse 10 and we're a back pad on a little bit before we move forward we reviewed again about how there's a list of PO or line of popes leading to the end God is using them as a countdown the last 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 so what happens is God tells us that in verse 10 that the seventh member is going to be a line of popes in the last seven that the seventh will be the short two for a short time and remember popes go through this position to die popes don't go to the papacy to become pope to resign they go there to die and Pope Benedict fulfilled the scripture here verse 10 that said the seventh Pope or King because remember Vatican is a monarchy in my head of men who are head of marketing our monarchies of all kings Pope Benedict fulfilled this prophecy in Revelation 1710 he was there for a short time then we showed how revelation 17 11 was fulfilled by Pope Francis he's the eighth he's the one that was after the seven he's the Beast this image that God is showing John the Beast of the sea he's the Beast of the sea member there's two beasts one of the earth one of the scene this is Pope Francis o Pope Francis is the beast that God is talking about so he's the Beast of the sea that is himself also the eighth Pope Benedict was the seventh Pope Francis is the eighth so that's where we left off we left off and seeing that now we're going to go into what happens next here we go what happens next so we've just seen Pope Francis fail verse 11 now let's talk about what happens next what happens after Pope Francis in verse 12 so let's take a look at that and all the things that's going to lead after this event Pope Francis and see what the Lord has to tell us and what we need to watch for now we're going to look at this image again where we see the woman on the beast with seven heads and ten horns now this image is in revelation 17 however and Daniel also has the image of this feat with an image of a statue and at the bottom guess what it has ten toes so we see a relationship here with seven heads and ten horns as it's in revelation 17 but Daniel has an image that was given to him image of a statue where at the end at the bottom of the statute it also had ten toes and guess what in revelation 17 we also see explanation of who those horns or what those horns are they are ten Kings so we've seen this correlation ship between Daniel and 7 Daniel 2 in revelation 17 the image of ten horns which is also seen in Daniel of 10 tones which is also explained as ten Kings so God is showing in several ways the same thing all right so that's what you want you to first understand this God is able to reveal in different ways the same thing so don't think that these are individual separate things that he's showing here because they are the same now let me go into this we see that the scripture tells us that the ten horns we just saw are ten Kings so just like Daniels toast talked about at the end of the at the end of the toes where the stone comes in destroys this destroys the statue in the mountain which is the kingdom of God it erupts on earth it's staged and erected on earth we see that just as there are 10 toes we see that we're talking about ten kings so we're talking about the end time as Daniel saw it in his time it was revealed to him as ten toes but as John saw it in his time he saw it as ten horns which is actually ten Kings now if we're looking at a present a map we're going to trying to understand where where is the feet talking about what geography of the world does the feet to defeat really point to so if we're looking at the statute depicted in Daniel 2 we have the gold which represented the Babylonian Empire which is then conquered by the silver of the Persian Empire was then conquered by the Greeks in the waste gold waste which was then we're after Alexander the Great died his kingdoms was split which eventually grew to become the Roman Empire but then the Roman inspire Empire split between the East and the West Roman Empire then it goes into the latter times here where the Scriptures talks about how stone is comes down from heaven knocks the statue add two feet the whole thing crumbles and a mountain is raised up and it stands on the earth forever so that's that's the kingdom of God so we see that that's when Jesus returns and he sets up his kingdom on earth and rules the earth destroying all the kingdoms of men so that stone does not hit and this is very very important to note the stone does not hit the gold head the stone does not hit the silver the stone does not come at the bronze the stone does not hit that it legs the stone clearly comes to the feet it hits the feet this is the era of time where the stone will come and hit the earth not at any other time so what does that mean it means that we're not in the era of the Babylon Empire we're not in the era of the Persian Empire we're not in the era of the bat of the Greeks or the Romans we're in the era of defeat we're in the very last era that's where we are there's no kingdoms coming after that this is it so that's what we need to take away from Daniels prophecy with what's in specific the statue with the feet mixed with iron a clay da this is the present day that we see and we know the one prior to this kingdoms remember with the kingdom of great kingdom of iron kingdom of clay the kingdom prior to that was in this region here where the Romans ruled the East in the West we had the Romans that first ruled everything then it's split between the Western Roman Empire in the Eastern Roman Empire so what the Lord is telling us here is that the part of the feet where the stone will come down that the iron and clay will be will be present they call it what we call in the present day Europe and with the present day we call the Middle East or the North Africa or East Asia that's where we're looking to see or that's what the Scriptures is pointing to where and then the end times will leave with these ten Kings are going to come we're going to rise in this region of the world this is where the region of the world returns scripture is telling us we're looking forward ten toes which you also explained us ten horns which is actually ten Kings so let's look at the map and see if maybe the Lord to tell us with specificity where we could find anywhere in the world a consolidated area that has ten monarchies before there be ten kings so here we have a map with this map we're looking at the entire world let's see if we could find if there are any if there is a consolidated area of ten kings well no kings in Canada no king of the United States no monarch is in Mexico none in South America none in Australia well there's five monarchies over in Asia but there's also seven over there there's three in Africa and look there's ten in Europe so if we look to see what we just have here they're talking about ten kings in the book of Revelation in revelation 17 12 the ten horns which you saw are ten Kings who have received no kingdoms as of yet they received one the receive authority for one hour with the Beast so we're looking for these ten Kings and we see that Dan you're talking about ten horns which was also in the time of those kings he even mentions it though the God of heaven want to separate Kingdom that would never be destroyed so we have God who's gonna in the time in the era of the those kings which Kings 10 Kings and then we look at the map we find that Europe has ten monarchy Europe has ten monarchies eight of them are kings two are not the guys showed us in Daniel there were ten toes then he showed us in the book of Revelation there ten horns then he explained to us those ten toes and ten horns are actually ten kings and we see on a map that oh what didn't all throughout all of the world there's only one place has a consolidated area of ten royal families Europe to our remaining Queens the rest are kings so God has given us clear direction on what to look at and that is Europe now I've been following this for quite some time since 2013 when God put me on this path now if we're looking for 10 Kings out of Europe just look what happened from the time the God put me on this path into a present 2013 the queen of Neverland abdicated there was a new king in 2013 in July the king of Belgium advocated there was a new king in 2014 can a king of Spain abdicated there was a new king so right after Pope Francis was elected right one after the other three royal families within the ten marquees that we just saw abdicated and there was a new king on the throne so God can be that much more specific and point to like hey this is where they're coming from they come from here they're coming from there look Pope Benedict fulfilled that prophecy Pope Francis fulfill that prophecy and if you have no idea where to look for next this Queen advocated this King advocated this king advocated from the same region of the world over in Europe so I don't know what else to tell you write it in this guy like this is where God is wants us to look at for the next prophecy to be fulfilled and that means we need to look for Queen Margaret of Denmark to be replaced by King and Queen Elizabeth of England to be replaced by a king these two need these two crowns or Thrones need to be replaced by a king and then this prophecy the prophecy of 10 Kings will be fulfilled I really hope you guys find this very interesting if so if this is mind-blowing to you right in the comments below Jesus is coming so again when Christians come to this channel they can see that wow this is credible insightful wisdom from the Lord the teaching from the Holy Spirit and we are all seeing what he is showing amen so right Jesus is coming in the comments below for me now the scripture says in the last days God shall pour out a spirit and sons the doors are prophesied here Pradas spirit and they shall prophesy now I got on this path in 2013 and I started making this videos explaining the same thing since then and I said hey watch in 2013 posted this video watch for Queen Elizabeth to be replaced by King watch for Queen Margot to be complete side King and then two days later as I posted it on May 6 two days later article comes out saying Queen prepares Prince Charles for the throne it's mind-blowing to be able to serve Lord Jesus for your edification and then have the brain thing I said to watch for be corroborated on the news of two days later just mind-blowing and then again wise eyes you know referring to that same video on February 20 of 2014 the Queen's husband who's now passed away he said he wanted to be king cuz he was just so angry that he didn't get the title of King because typically in monarchy custom when a king marries a woman she becomes Queen but in Reverse if a man Prince marries a queen he keeps the title as Prince so that really bummed the husband to Queen Margaret so mad day when he died he said don't even bury me near the Queen I want to be nowhere near her because she didn't make me king so he's dead which means now we're looking for the crown prince because that's how monarchies work monarchies passed their crown to the one that has the title Crown Prince where in this case is her son here's something to know as I said this in May 2013 when the king of Thailand passed away it made Queen Elizabeth and Queen Margaret the oldest living reigning monarchies on earth so what did I mean that means when the king of Thailand passed away it then elevated Queen Elizabeth and Queen Margaret on the world stage as the longest reigning living monarchies monarchs the Queen's Margot and Elizabeth that way when they step down or when their crown is given to their Crown Prince the next one in line it will send a shockwave through the world because it would be such a historic event the whole world will take note of the transition of power of the crown since these are the longest reigning living markings of monarchs on earth and what better way for God to give attention to those who are watching hyper-focused on the 10 Kings than replacing the last two longest living monarchs who ruled there with respective countries as it relates to the prophecy of the 10 Kings so this is a revelation prophecy we need to watch from our revelation Christians we need to watch for a revelation 17 12 we need to watch for Queen Margaret of Denmark to be replaced by King and Queen Elizabeth to be her crown to be passed to be replaced by King once these two are replaced then the prophecy of the ten Kings will be fulfilled now I told you this I hope that you now see what to watch for next I hope you saw just in chronological order from verse 1 to verse 11 to verse 12 how God is very systematic with what he's saying and it's happening right before our eyes so that's what we need to watch for is when they're in there when there's a new king in Denmark and a new king in the UK and that's when the 10 Kings will be fulfilled the 10 horns will be set and then things will move to the next one which we'll talk about in another video but I hope now you see I hope you understand what the watch for next I hope you see that this is valid incredible teaching of the Holy Spirit for you for you to watch now and if so definitely make sure that you give me a Jesus is coming in the comments below so folks can see that this is real again thanks for watching I really appreciate it definitely make sure that you do give me a thumbs up so because when people come to this video they need to see if it's credible or not and you giving a thumbs up gives this video social proof so that when other Christians other revelation Christians come to this video they can see that while this is credible this is legit it's happening and this is now moving and getting steam and traction to be able to have other revelations Christians wake up to what's being what God is showing us right in our time because again this stuff is not talked about in churches pastors not talking about this this is definitely overlooked and God has raised me on this channel at the service of Christ for you so make sure you do also leave me a comment if you have any questions or you have any other videos you want me to do on the book of Revelation pertaining to Jesus are coming definitely let me know I would love to hear what you have to say about it and I need you to definitely get the word out folks it's up to us because the institution of Christian churches here in America are just not sharing what God is showing so we the body of Christ have to share it to one another so if there's one Christian brother/sister that you know share this videos of them so that they could be aware of what to watch for I really hope that we can get God's message out that Jesus is coming [Music]