The Revelation Christian will discuss Prophetic Warnings: Daniel's Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Part 3 and how to learn the timeline of end time bible prophecy in today's modern era.
this is what God wants you to understand Network continue our series we'll learn about the Book of Revelation going from the Old Testament to the New Testament so let's pick up where we left off so so far we already talked about Babylon being the head of goal of meats and Persians represented by the silver chest and arms bronze waste by the Greek Empire followed by the Romans and then in 1943 in the year 338 these Roman Empire split between the Eastern Roman Empire and the West Roman Empire corresponding to the left leg right leg of the prophecy in Daniel 2. so we see that this prophecy was fulfilled in 330 A.D but what happened after that we've seen World War One happen then we see World War II happen and then we see the Holocaust happen and then after the Holocaust bam 1948 Israel became a nation fulfilling the prophecy in Zechariah 8 7 where God said we're bringing the people back from The Landing east and west but why was this important because this had to happen because before 1948 there was no Israel on the map Israel didn't exist after 780 but Jesus has returned to a place called Israel he's not going to return to a place called Sweden he's going to return to Israel so this probably should be fulfilled in modern times and that's what God wants you to understand thank you