Future Antichrist Prince Hassan Bin Talal & Future False Prophet Pope Francis, has put forth a world peace plan for the world to support and endorse called HUMAN FRATERNITY FOR WORLD PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER. Pope Francis recently went to Abu Dhabi to gather support from world leading Muslim leaders. While Prince Hassan Bin Talal, speaking on the March 2019 New Zealand terror attack, promoted the same agenda of world peace through "human dignity through global citizenship" . These two, the Future Antichrist & Future False Prophet, will play a key role in fulfilling the Book of Revelation prophecies by advocating all religions to come together, under one citizenship, for the sake of "world peace".
hey there I'm so thankful and so humbled that God led you here by His Holy Spirit that I could serve Jesus by serving you the church and if you don't already know I'm a less watchman Brooks and this is the revelation Christian comm YouTube channel and I have a passion and a drive and a purpose to teach Christians like you the book of Revelation and signs leading to Jesus second coming 2015 in Christchurch New Zealand as shooter went to a mosque and gunned down about 50 plus individuals injuring another 49 or so it was the most horrific terror attack that New Zealand has ever experienced and it was riddled with violence and carnage and devastation hitting the community really really hard and it was such a devastating blow to New Zealand a lot of the community came together to pay homage and their condolences support for Christchurch New Zealand and the victims and those injured in the attacks some of the people were a politician some were religious leaders and the public as a whole came together to show their support for Christchurch New Zealand and the victims and really they didn't even show the face of the shooter because they didn't want to promote and propel his his hatred and his manifesto that he actually wrote beforehand and they didn't want to continue that circle of violence that he wanted to shut that down quick and just come together and help the victims and help those who were wounded and that was a very commendable thing and loved' thing that the public did for that tragic day and in that event there's one individual that I want you to pay attention throughout all the individuals to protect in sharing their condolences and their grievances with the victims and those injured and that as Princess Anne Bentzel all of Jordan now princess on Ben's law went to New Zealand to be able to share his condolences and to speak on the terror attack that happened because for Jordanians were killed in that mosque on March 15th and make no mistake it wouldn't be hard for Prince Hassan bin Talal Jordan to be heard in New Zealand because he is the most globally recognized and man in this world he's recognized by American Statesman he's recognized by American presidents he's recognized by British royals he's recognized by other European Royals he's recognized by Arab Royals he's recognized by Indonesian president he's recognized across the globe in terms of religious leaders dealing with in terms of Sunni leaders Shia leaders Catholic leaders and lastly he is beat ffs with Pope Francis those two I like this and we'll talk on that topic later but I want you to recognize that very important to keep that in the back of your mind and lastly he is also the most important point to make is he is recognized and honored by the State of Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu the current leader of Israel so princess on Ben Chile's idea for a global peace would be that the whole world would become one through his coin phrase global citizenship through human dignity now the thing is is that to do that everything would have to change and come together Constitution doctrines laws everything would have to be rewritten education technology that all would have to be on the same page in order for his vision of this global state to come together everything would have to be written so everything's on the same page and he wants to lead it rather he wants to be elected selected to be the one to lead it because if there's a global state somebody has to be in charge he wants to be that guy but let you see some footage of what princess on bin Talal of Jordan said about the New Zealand attack but I've been following him since 2013 I mean listen to all his conferences his interviews his speeches his articles I've been watching this guy since then as the Lord tells us to do so so if there's a famine going on in the world princess augmentin law is there talking about human dignity through global citizenship if there are Wars going on and he's interview he's talking about human dignity through global citizenship and if he's talking about water droughts and clean water to give to those who don't have any his vision to do that is room you guessed it human dignity through global citizenship now in this case if there's a shooting princess our mental all's there guess what talking about his vision of human dignity through global citizenship one we call McGee's from this tragedy what's your message to New Zealanders your life in the world has to take heed of what has happened in New Zealand and the concept of a global democratic Association of people citizens assembly is so important today because with strong powers and smaller powers in the world that is simply impossible not to take heed of the goodness of the Kotahitanga of New Zealanders the Solidarity and oneness and I think that a world at war with itself can only find serenity in the example of the compassion in the love that you Zealanders have shown to the other so folks did you hear it a global democratic association of people citizens basically a world where all people are the same are under the same citizenship so that's what I want you to learn and see that this is what he's using for every event in every circumstance in crisis that happens in the world he goes there fueling this ID in this vision of his through global citizenship and the exact thing that the Scriptures tells us about in the last days in the book of Revelation how the whole world will become one how everyone will be under one ruler under one leadership on the world they're just like in the days of the book of Genesis with two tower Babel was built in the whole world became one and their thoughts were evil and God scattered them wellhere's tower Babel 2.0 in this case instead of being building a tower what's gonna happen is two words build an idol and the world's gonna have to come together in their eyes the world's gonna think that's the best idea but this is not what God wants and this is what the Antichrist wants and he will fuel that drive it home and the world will believe it because they don't believe God so they're gonna believe someone else and that's a person like him so just think folks as I said before when the world comes to adopt this idea which they will who do you think they're gonna choose to lead it just some job smoke out of nowhere or the man who's been pushing this for decades who wants committees non-government organization who has who chairs other organizations who leads interfaith dialogue committees who gathers who has recognition in the West in the East and all across the world who's revered by Royals as well as non Royals and who also has the right to lead the Muslim community because he's the 42nd descendant of the Prophet Mohammed and the respect of Israel who else could be they get that guy princess on bin Talal of Jordan but at the same time I think after the visit of the Pope to Abu Dhabi and the meeting with the data of the SLV Muslim Christian continuing conversation which I've been involved for decades they were talking about our shared humanity whether you believe or not I don't believe the main thing is to stand up for human values and human dignity as I taught on June 27 watch for Pope Francis to meet Princess Anne been to law as it would be the precursor leading to the first seal here we have princess on bin Talal again bringing the Pope Francis and what he did in Abu Dhabi remind you of the Catholics in the world Pope Francis the leader of all the Catholics on the western side of the world likewise there has to be in order for the Daniel prophecy remember the feat mixed with iron and clay that's the end times so if there's an iron and clay two nations one weaker one stronger there has to be two leaders two kingdoms two kings in which the western side of the world we'll have their leader in the eastern side of the world will have their leader and it's just a matter of time before princess Amidala is selected to be that leader now Pope Francis the leader of all the Catholics on the western side of the world went to the eastern side of the world to meet with the one of the highest religious scholars in abu-dhabi and that is a grand Imam dr. Ahmet alte eat now these two came together to sign a declaration called the human fraternity for world peace and living together now in this declaration that he's talking about which is the framework for the world to have peace and human dignity right this is his vision and this is the solution to all the world's problems this declaration cites this to increase peace throughout the world by spiritual coexistence and religious dialogue for these two princess on Ben's law of Jordan and Pope Francis who want to assure in a world peace through inter-religious dialogue and spiritual coexistence this is their solution to world peace but there's a problem with that you cannot have that inter-religious coexist spiritual coexistence because it's against Scripture Jesus teaches us that he is the only way to God he is the way he is the truth he is the light don't you understand when Jesus walked the earth there were religions other religions in Israel there were the Helenus which were liked by the Greeks the Romans had their gods Israel still had some folks that worshipped Baal perfect the Sadducees the Pharisees had their versions of religions they only believed what the tour was and the only worship Moses but in all these different pockets of religions that was going on with Jesus walk the earth if he engaged Romans Greeks Samaritans the Jews or being if there were Ethiopia he ran into which Philip did later on knew that neither time did they go about trying to say well you know our religions have some things in common you don't believe Jesus is the Son of God but I do believe Jesus is some God so let's just throw it out away and say we both worship the same God what does the holy spirit teach us and tell us that anyone who denies Jesus is the Son of God he is he has a spirit of Antichrist and that Jesus is the one who came in the flesh when you see him you see the father be like the Apostles wrote to us through the Holy Spirit that what does Christ have with Bell and what Satan and light and darkness cannot coexist you have truth which is on one side and everything opposite of truth is alive truth and lies don't coexist there's truth and everything opposite of it and that's what we have here that Pope Francis and princess are been two laws trying to do by having the world science to this declaration of coexistence through spiritual coexistence and interfaith dialogue and but the thing is to do that requires Christians to deny Jesus is the Son of God which true believers will not do in fact if you want world peace just half the world subscribe to the 10 commandments have God is the only God and don't worship any idols don't put anything before him don't kill don't steal don't lie don't want something that's not yours it'll seem like some really good ideas to have humanity half peace among one another and Jesus breaks it down even more and says hey I'll make this so simple for you love God with all your heart mind soul and strength and love your neighbor as you love yourself everything is built in that the law and the prophets are built into those to commit that's the agenda of Pope Francis and princes Prince the princess on Ben's law is to push this this flattery of we can have world peace if we all just bring it together our religions and we all coexist spiritually but we don't pray to the same God and then we just have interfaith dialogue but Jesus didn't have interfaith dialogue he didn't see a demon-possessed person says no demon-possessed guy I really want to cast you out but let's talk this over real quick what's troubling you can we come to a middle ground he didn't do that Jesus made it very clear he's here you're there you come to him or you deny him and the only way to the father is through him period came to this pharisees sadducees describes the religious leaders he didn't say to them you know what we have some disagreements but let's find some common ground where we can talk in maybe we can kind of reject some of the things that says I'm the Messiah I can accept some of the things that says that I'm not let's see where we can find common ground and interfaith dialogue no he didn't do that he told the truth it stood in the truth and he told him to toast and those who heard it set them free those didn't word I've with their sins now this goes back to the garden Eden is when the serpent deceived Eve in the garden tell her you were not surely die just eat the fruit eat the fruit it's okay just eat the fruit you're not gonna die like how innocent this essay if this really never die not knowing that disobeying God produce sin and that has become the consequence of that produce all the evil turmoil catastrophe killing in depth and humanity has brought forth since then just because of that one believing that one deceptive pitch that one deceptive statement of eat the fruit you're not gonna die or when Satan tried to get Jesus to worship Him and do what he said hey aren't you hungry turn us still in the bread I mean come on turn it on the bread how hard is that you know something guys feed yourself give your body what you need turn the stone into bread come on no big deal it's just bread this is thrown come on just do it do what I say do what I say do what I say you see how deceptive that is now in my blog I wrote on this and explaining how this is gonna be a problem for Christians to get on board this thing goes global in scale in which Christians will not deny Jesus for a sake of world peace well have interfaith dialogue for the sake of world peace won't spiritually coexist for the sake of world peace and the declaration makes a big big point to address that saying this quote dialog among believers means coming together in the vast space of spiritual human and shared social values and from here transmitting the highest moral virtues that religion aims for it also means avoiding unproductive discussions I'm saying it again also means for the sake of doing what's best for the world and virtue in world peace it all this means for those who dispute or disagree says quote if this declaration also means it means avoiding unproductive discussion so if you're avoiding aren't productive discussion then there is nothing to talk about because if you can't have productive discussions which I think that's by definition discussions are productive so I don't know how discussion could be unproductive when you're telling the truth so if you can't have a discussion there by it being stated a your discussion is unproductive then that won't be heard and you'll be shut down based off this declaration here and my hope is that this opportunity would not be wasted in terms of emphasizing that real democracy is democratic security for everyone bigger stronger weaker for it doesn't matter the main thing is to work on the right to respect as we once worked on the right to protect here it is again this man is so good at what he does you see how he's talking about his concern for the poor those who are disadvantaged those who are suffering I mean he's he's there for the people folks don't buy one minute because I'm gonna tell you why in the scriptures the Antichrist is called the son of perdition now you probably hear this in church but did you know that the son of perdition is mentioned only two times in the Bible two times so the Antichrist is the first son of print excuse me it's the Antichrist is the second son of perdition so who's the first son of perdition Judas Judas is the first son of perdition and why because in both these cases Satan will possess these two human beings soon will possess Prince Hassan bin Talal who's gonna be the second center perdition as Satan possessed Judas who was the first son of perdition now why would the Holy Spirit make this so simple for us to see being so complicated for our carnal nature not to pick up on it here's here's teaching and that is this when Judas who's the first son of perdition was with Jesus and Mary sister went to clean the feet of Jesus with her hair let's see what Judas said John chapter 12 verse three through six didn't Mary who took a pound or the very costly oil and spikenard anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil but one of his disciples Judas Iscariot Simon's son who would betray him said why was this frequent oil not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor this he said not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief and he had the money box and he used it to take what was in it so folks as you can see we see Prince of Psalm been to law advocating about those who are who are disenfranchised the poor we should need to think about the poor and that's what we need to think about who is the sect this guy that the scripture is leading us to see that this is the man who will be the second son of perdition now we also have chooses who's the first son of perdition saying the exact same thing as this guy talking about why don't we just give this oil and sell off for three hundred denarii so that we can give it to the poor this is what we should we should help the poor it's about the poor let's help the poor but the Holy Spirit tells us the truth of his heart and that is he is a thief and he did not care about the poor but rather he wanted them money so he can take what was in it likewise princess armament along as well he also does not care about the poor and he's just saying this so that he can get what he wants folks there is so much that I share with you I hope you see the truth of this now I hope you are grasping what the Holy Spirit is teaching us and just note that Princess Anne Bentzel ah he's just in that era in that face that Judas was before he became the son of perdition likewise princess um been to lob Jordan he's just in that face where we're watching them now and hearing him down before he fulfills that role so just want you to continue to watch this channel let me know if you have any questions below let me know this is resonating with you if you're learning from this I really would love to hear what you have to say about it and I'll continue to serve you also thank you so much pork soon and learning about this that wraps it up thank you so much for watching I hope you got to be able to take away from this I hope you learn something from it and please give me a thumbs up if you like this video and subscribe your subscriptions tells other people who come to this channel of this this channel is legit it's the social proof to be able to get it out there how the YouTube algorithm boost these videos up for other Christians to see and why so you subscribe and helps out plus you'll know when I get another video that I post out to also visit the website visit the website where I'm gonna put out more content for you I'll have audio a podcast coming out updated emails or news alerts that happens in the world so you can stay informed and other different 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