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The Revelation  Watchman

Writer's pictureWest "Watchman" Brooks

How To Know When The Antichrist Is Coming

The revelation Christian will show in this bible study how to know when the antichrist is coming and understand end time events. Christians will understand bible prophecy based on what Jesus said of the teachings of the Holy Spirit .

you're not going to believe this but two prophecies I said to watch for happen and one question I get asked a lot since the Fulfillment of the second one is well then how do you know when the answer of Christ is going to come so I'm going to show you that guaranteed event you need to watch for so when it happens again you'll see and Trust what the holy spirit is showing us today is truth it's the truth you can't refute it so let's jump into this video and let's go over it so you can see what to watch for as it relates to how to know when the answer of Christ is going to come and tell me your thoughts about it because I really would love to hear about it how to know when the Antichrist will come guaranteed that is what the topic is today now I'm going to show you my credibility okay because the Lord has given his teaching not mine his teaching so you could trust what the holy spirit is showing and teaching us today now since I got on this path of and being drawn to the Book of Revelation I'll start in 2013 for me so in most recently I've just been re-energized thinking heavily about how to really dive deep and produce content for you those interested in this topic of the Book of Revelation and I'm just so energized and fired up we're going to go back to the basics and and just do this from scratch building from the ground up again but look I've been doing it since 2013 and it all started after Pope Benedict of Rome the the pope of the Vatican resign and Pope Francis became the new pope ever since then when that happened for me that had a my mouth just said it has begun don't know why I said it but when Pope Benedict resigned it has become and I just had this super interest in the Book of Revelation learning and deep diving and putting the context with the Lord was showing the teachers from then to now and that's all I've been focused on and here's a video that proves that that's uh where I was talking about hey you know guys I'm reading the book of Revelations chapter 17 and it says here it talks about an image with a woman on a beast with seven hits ten words and I said look we need to watch for a new king in New Canton Denmark because I think these 10 Kings relates to the 10 royal families of Europe and there's only two kings of me two queens remaining so since then 2013 watch for a new king and UK and Denmark watch for Queen Elizabeth to be replaced by King watch for Queen Margaret of Denmark to be replaced by King then there will be ten Kings of the ten royal families in Europe so I said that in 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 again 2019 2020 2021 and on and on and on just again showing and teaching what the Holy Spirit showing and teaching us today and then we have on September 8th 2022 Queen Elizabeth died and lo and behold as I said watch for a new king and UK in Denmark since almost close to 10 years I've said watch this and look it came to pass the ninth king of Revelation 17 10 Kings is here as I said again watch for a new Queen to be the queen of UK to be replaced by King who's presently now King Charles III so this is how the Lord validated what I've been saying to a watch for and many of you will say well look she's bound to die anyway yes but not in the context of Prophecy meaning at the era well I'll explain this in a second but at the era of the end times there has to be a nation or region where there's 10 monarchs which only is Europe and of those 10 Indian times has to be 10 Kings right that has to be 10. there's only nine now so that shows you we are living in a time as prophecy says to watch for so anyway so proud obviously I said to watch for happen once but it also happened again so here again jumping into the scriptures seeing what the Lord Holy Spirit showing and teach us you know here on June 27 2014 said watch for Pope Francis the one I believe to be the future false prophet to meet princess Tom brings a lot of joy we want to say to be the future Antichrist so I said watch for these two to meet because before the Bible says they're going to do what the Bible says they're going to do they have to meet at some time put in a context like this before Jesus Jesus said Judas was going to trade him Judas is the Devil he's the one who's going to trade it blah blah blah right but before Judas can betray him they had to meet so when Jesus met Judas he didn't just fulfill the prophecy of portraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver on day one no it took a course of time it took over three years then he fulfilled the prophecy same thing here Judas and Jesus had to meet before Jesus fulfilled the prophecy Pope Francis and Princess home I've been to love Jordan had to meet at least I said June 2014 watch with these guys then meet before they go do what the Bible says they're gonna do and then guess what September 2014 they met so just as I said several months prior watch for the pope of Francis to meet princess zombies love Jordan they met just like how recently I said watch for a new King in UK to be replaced by King we find there's a new king that's been replaced that replaced Queen Elizabeth there's a new King in UK so on two occasions the Lord is validated his teaching so that way you can trust what I'm saying here for you to see that we are living in the end times this things are leading to that moment to fulfillment but let's keep going so as you can see here June 27 2014 I said watch for Pope Francis to meet princess of Jordan as they are to be the future Antichrist and future false prophet watch these two to me and three months later they met just as the Lord taught I said so you can trust that this is The credibility of the Lord's teaching it's not about me it's about the Lord and what he's showing and teaching us today for you to understand the times that you're in but nonetheless how can we know when the answer of Christ will come this is how you have to look at Judas and accept the truth first and that is notice how the Antichrist goes by two names but one well the most common names we know is Son of Perdition see that in second Thessalonians but Judas is also guess what he's called he has a title too Judas is called the Son of Perdition in John 17 12. Jesus has talked about how hit one was lost and that one was called the Son of Perdition so you see Judas had a title too so why would God issue Son of Perdition to the title of Judas and also the Antichrist that is a question he doesn't do anything for no reason he has a purpose and the reason is one these are the only two men in human history where Satan himself would enter their body the only two men and number two God is giving us a revelation about Judas and in the Antichrist and that is because they both had the same titles we both can learn about them too so we see that what we can learn about Judas we can learn about the answer of Christ because they both have the title Son of Perdition they both have the experience of where Satan entered their body so God wants us to learn about Judas to have and take away from that to be able to apply to the Future Antichrist so there's lessons to be learned about Judas as the first son of addition as there is lessons to be learned about Princess law who will be the Second Son of Perdition and but before you bombard me with oh but remember he's not gonna be revealed he's not gonna be real remember reveal I hear this over and over again there has been a common tradition of this teaching about revealed that is that needs to be corrected and updated in the context of scripture this is what I mean the misconception about reveal is this we hear it over and over again second Thessalonians talks about how you won't know the answer Christ until he's revealed until the following week comes first and the medicine is revealed again you won't know he says and now that you may know what is restraining that he may be revealed and is in its own time and the Lawless one when he will be revealed but now so based on these scriptures we see people talk about how hey look he you won't know until he's revealed you won't know until he's revealed but here's what Jesus himself says about the word reveal he says when his return happens in Luke 17 it will be as the days of Noah it will be in the days of lot and look what he says even so when they even so it will be within the day when the son of man is revealed so this is the most important thing we've learned about what the holy spirit is teaching us about the term reveal and that is this if you look at what Jesus is saying he will be revealed he'll have a day when he's revealed and guess what we know where Jesus is from where his words his words his history his ancestry genealogy we know all the stuff about Jesus when before he's revealed and even he says he's going to be revealed but we know who he is so likewise as with the Christ we know who he is before he's revealed therefore with the ends of Christ we can know who he is before he's revealed too so now you want to know the clearest indication when Antichrist is coming this is how go to Revelation 6 it talks about the first seal when there's a rider on the horse he has a bow and he has a crown and goes out Conquering the concrete but look what happens here and the verse it says here and the crown was given to him that is in the first seal this means how to know when the answer Christ is coming and the scripture talks about in the first year a crown was given to him the this means when princess aren't been to love Jordan is crowned King goes through a coronation when he is crowned King and when a crown is given to him you will know we are in the first seal and therefore the Antichrist is coming he can't do anything until he gets that crown that is the most important thing to understand and take away about that and that is when Princess Psalm into law of Jordan gets the crown so this is how you can know guarantee when the Antichrist is coming he has to be crowned a crown must be given to him then he goes out conquering into conquer and this is how you know so look folks I covered my credibility I showed you scripture as it pertains to what revealed means from Jesus own mouth and his term of review I showed you also the comparison between the Son of Perdition compared to Judas and compared to the Antichrist and I'll also show you the most guaranteed way to know how when the Antichrist is coming with guaranteed with the most most easiest way to know and that is when Princess Amber into law is cracking so if I cover these things clearly enough for you to understand give me a like I would really appreciate that and leave a comment I'd love to know your thoughts and I'd love to hear what you have to say about it thank you so much for watching don't lose hope folks because remember Jesus is coming

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