Now we know the Book of Revelation mentions end time world events leading to Jesus returns, including the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. Problem is that most Christians do understand the Book Of Revelation. Well, here's proof-see for yourself how real this book is. After watching it, if you believe what you see with your own eyes, as it matches scripture, the Holy Spirit will draw your heart closer to Jesus to prepare you for Jesus return. Sadly though, some "Christian scholars" even suggest that this book is NOT about events of the end of the world. Yea...we'll see about that, as the world comes to an end and Jesus' kingdom on earth starts to begin.
I'm gonna show you that we are living in the pages of the book of Revelation and the prophecies in that book is happening as we speak in our lifetime and as a result your hearts gonna be drawn closer to Jesus seeing that he is coming unless there's the world because everything in this world has an expiration date this stuff will in and you're gonna be more aware and could be more awake knowing that yes the book of Revelation is real prophecies from that book is happening as we speak in our lifetime and then that way you'll be less deceive to all the deception that's gonna come and you'd be less misled by a lot of incorrect teachings of this time down west watching books through the revelation Christian calm and now Christians understand the book of Revelation in order to pare them for the rapture when the dead in Christ rise and those who remain will join Jesus in the cloud so far they in this channel in this ministry this work that I've been doing to serve Jesus things that I've said the watch for has have you been confirmed or has happened that way you can know that this channel has the teachings of the Holy Spirit we are students of the Holy Spirit learning and sharing what he is showing and if you find this video helpful you find yourself drawing closer to Jesus reading the gospel reading the book of Revelation more definitely subscribe to this channel hit the notification mail that way you can get alerted whenever I post a new video ok folks so what we're going to do now is jump into irrefutable evidence and proof to show you that we aren't living in the pages of the book of Revelation prophecy within our book is happening in our lifetime but before we can do that I have to first address a big issue that I always come across whenever I get on this subject and that is you cannot understand the scriptures of the Lord if you hold on to tradition the Lord is always going to teach you something new you can't expect that he cannot teach you something new for example when Nicodemus met Jesus for the first time he'd never heard this concept call it being born again thought that he had to go back at his mother's room but Jesus gave him new teaching a new one and it was very difficult for Nicodemus to take that information in and I'll put it in terms like this when Jesus said this in Luke 5 he said but new wine must be put into one skin and both a preserve and no one having drunk old wine aka old teaching immediately desires new for he says the old one is better the old is better the old teaching is better so I want you to approach what the Holy Spirit is about to teach you as new wine you can it has to be put into a new wineskin you cannot take what the Holy Spirit's going to teach you that is new and put into an old wineskin cuz you're not gonna take in what the Holy Spirit gives just like you can't put new wine and old wineskin you got to put new wine into new wineskins a lot of the times when I show what the Holy Spirit is showing us I get a lot of pushback because this is in contrary to what tradition teaches this is different than what people have heard so it's hard for them to take this in because they're putting this in old wineskin the putting this in an old way of thinking as opposed to a new way of thinking from what the Holy Spirit is teaching just like Jesus teaching Nicodemus about being born again he couldn't take that in because he was trying to put that into an old wine skin and Jesus like I got this new wine here called try this it's called born again try [ __ ] me was like no I don't know what that is we came to my mother's womb couldn't take that new one he had we had to have a new wineskin in order to take what Jesus was giving so I want you to approach this with that mindset new wineskin folks cuz I got a nice glass to give you now the book of Revelation God shows an image to John John the Apostle he's taken into heaven and God shows in the future in it it shows the pit he shows us imagery of this woman on a beast that has seven heads and ten horns she has on car she has her own garment that's red and purple has a cup of blood mixed it's mixed with the blood of Christians and now she's call her Harley now she has on gold precious stones and he sees this this beast riding on waters and he's totally dumbfounded by I have no idea terrified of it because he has no idea what he's seeing you know as you probably are aware you've when you read the book of Revelation there's a lot of some symbols that an imagery that you that you read and the reason is is that what God does sometimes he shows you things on earth as he sees it he will show a a representation of Jesus being now he's not talking about actual land but he says he has the characteristic of Allah or he may call it individual on earth a beast like the Antichrist is called a beast so God will show his points of view to give a more elaborate a picture of the characteristics of what he's just what he's talking Spain Lee is specifically about on earth so for example he might depict when you see the imagery of seas in heaven when there's an imagery that God shows John the imagery of imagery of seas he's actually talking about Nations people languages and tongues he's talking about the world so he's talking about the world of people but to him he'll call it seas so there's a lot of imagery that God sees in heaven and he reveals it through symbols in imagery as he's what he's talking about on earth now as I said before that God seat shows his image to John and this image is what he describes as what will be in the future that would have a huge influence over the world they have a huge religious impact and influence over the world it calls yourself a hardened trading money for worship trading money for religion and that he's goes on to describe the the immense grip that this has over the world then John doesn't understand what this is but now they buy the going to this passage to the chapter to elaborate more on this imagery here now chapter chapter 17 verse 4 says the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones so he's saying that when you see this thing it will be a sign of the end times when you see this imagery of this woman on a beast at the end time and he identifies the woman wearing purple and scarlet being red so let's see it can we find a moment in time and where religious power on this earth it can be identified we're wearing purple and scarlet yes when we look at the bishops identified in the Roman Catholic Church they were purple and when we look at the Cardinals identified in the Roman Catholic Church we see that the red and purple describes the Roman Catholic Church system that prophecy is fulfilled so that's the first thing that shows you it shows you right there that God is saying in the end time a religious power will rise and will be identified by wearing purple and red and we see this clearly happening in the Roman Catholic Church where the bishops and Cardinals were purple and red verse four we have what says the woman has raid it was also enduring with gold and precious stones so as seen as we see the Lord already leading us to the Roman Catholic Church with the bishop and harlots let's see if we can identify the precious gold and precious stones and pearls that can be identified with the tears of the Pope's the tiaras of the Pope's are adorned with guess what gold precious stones and pearls so here we are again two for two two for two that this scripture is being very much clear on what is talking about and dead-on on its accuracy as it elaborates what this woman wears and we see the people in the moment come to church specifically the Pope wearing a tiara having the same exact thing that description lays out but let's go on now we're going to see in verse 9 it says here's the miner has wisdom seven heads are seven mountains which where the woman sits so we see that the woman sits on this beast with seven heads and ten horns and the angel in this chapter says the seven heads are seven mountains suppose please make no mistake do not believe a teaching that says that the seven heads are seven nations or seven something else the angel clearly says that the seven heads are mountains not nation not spoons not boots not clouds the seven heads are seven mountains in fact the same word used in this passage describing mountains is the same word that's used in the gospel when Jesus gave her sermon on a mount so you wouldn't say Jesus gave a sermon on a nation right so we wouldn't need to change beasts this woman is sitting on a beast with seven nations no sitting she sits on seven mountains just like Jesus gave a certain on a mountain so please do not be swayed by that incorrect yishun that's not true the angel says the seven heads are seven mountains well let's see what the seven mountains are well look we just have the Vatican that sits in the center of one two three four five six seven seven mountains just as the scripture says about the woman sitting in the middle of seven mountains we have Vatican as sits in the seventh and the sits in the middle of seven mounts and it's there till the prophecy is fulfilled so again folks you see the Lord is three four three boom boom just just walk walk just getting them in buckets guys so I want you to see just how accurate the Lord is here with what he said and what we see so you can be awake we woke will not be a sleeping virgin we want some woke versions all right let's go home act like I didn't say that but we're still in 17 no more verse 10 through 11 as we talked about the seven heads the angel goes on it says that those seven heads are also seven kings five - one is the other has not come yet when he comes he will continue for a short time the Beast I was not is himself also the eighth and is of the seven and it's going to Perdition so we see how the angel told us that the seven heads are also seven mountains but he also tells us that the seven heads are also seven kings seven kings so so far the Lord is leading us to the Roman Catholic Church led us to the bishop led us to the Cardinals led us to the Vatican led us to the mountains surrounding the Vatican now he's talking about the seven heads of that surrounded the Vatican are also seven kings but what could that mean let's let the Holy Spirit teach you it's gonna blow in your mind here we go to the Vatican website and we go to see what type of government is the Vatican because remember Vatican is a city-state it's its own country and we look the type of country it is as America is a democracy well it says here that Vatican is a monarchy so as the website tells us that this city state is actually monarchy the head of state is a man who we call the Pope who the world calls the Pope technically he's actually a king he's a man and running who runs a monarchy a man who runs the monarchies a king that's what the scripture told us to watch for now watch this so we go back to Scripture it tells us that there are seven kings five have fallen one is the other has not come yet and when he comes the seventh will be there for a short time and then the eighth will be the beat so let's break this down so you can see prophecies are happening right before your eyes okay stick with me folks and if you feel like so far this is mine boy write in the comments below Jesus is coming so we can let everybody know who's come to this channel this is the real deal so we just go back to the last hopes of our air when let's just go back was the last seven kings aka Pope's let's see what the Holy Spirit has to teach us if we put the last seven kings along with the last with the last seven verses that we just mentioned so we see five kings has fallen and we're gonna go back the last seven posts so we got the first pope to if passed look means fallen or die that's Pope Pius he died in 1922 the second one that has fallen let's see what we have here we have Pope Pius - twelve he died in 58 then going backwards still to the hope that died after him who's fallen that we have pope john xxiii died in 1963 we go to the fourth pope that has fallen or king that's fallen who he had Pope Paul the sixth died in 1978 let me go to the next pope the fifth of us fallen who we had John Paul the first who died in 1970 but so far we have five popes have fallen five kings has fallen just as the Holy Spirit said just as we see just going backwards to the last seven kings aka pulps we have identified the last five or the five kings popes that have fallen now let's go to the sixth now let me go to the sixth it says this the sixth is the six and who was that john paul ii died in 2005 so now and we're on the sixth and then we're going to the seventh then remember that seventh says clearly whoever the seventh is he will be an heir for short time so whatever it as whoever's after this six that we just identified who is John Paul now whoever is the seventh after him the prophecy is the one after him will be there for a short time that's the prophecy in order for this to be true in order for this to know the description is true and prophetically accurate and it's happening we have to see that yes the seventh person must be there for a short time if this is true then this can't be refuted so let's see okay so let's take a look we are now at the seventh and the other would be there for a short time so let's see whoever's the seventh must fulfill this prophecy whoever the seventh him must be the one who in order for this to be real and then be accurate it has to be accurate to what the scripture says and let's check it out the seventh was who Pope Benedict the sixteenth who resigned in 2013 all previous popes behind him for five to six hundred years died they go to that post to die and he resigned he fulfilled the scripture that will be there the Sabbath will be there for a short time folks are you seeing the importance of this this is this is real the book of Revelation that depicts Jesus coming in the worst things to happen to the world in order for them to repent and draw their hearts closer to Jesus loving the Savior more than loving the sin we see this happening in our lifetime 2013 the churches talk about it no pastors talk about it no is it all Christian news networks no it is so under notice is so ridiculously unnoticed but the most important thing that is happening in Christian in time prophecy leading into Jesus second coming which is why I'm doing what I'm doing so I could wake up as many questions as possible like you who's watching so will you be aware now you can see that the seventh was there for a short time just a scripture said this is happening as we speak in our lifetime what were you doing in 2013 and now we have the most important event to happen that's leading the way to Jesus I could come in almost like Jesus inauguration when the Holy Spirit came on him BAM that's when the enough [ __ ] in his ministry this is like one of those pivotal turning points they let us know where we are and this is happening as we speak and I'm letting you see this with your own eyes or your heart to draw close closer to Jesus and if you're in agreement with this hit a comment below and alike all right hit it hit a light can I come hit a like button below or leave a comment saying Jesus is coming so we can let everyone know here that this is legit I mean folks I can't emphasize it enough like this is the real deal like if we were to see Jesus if we were living in a time of Jesus Christ consider this you were living in Israel at the time of Jesus Christ and you heard everything about the Messiah to come and this man comes into the scene who is it was prophet who's baptized about his guiding John the Baptist and some bird that comes in this supernatural bird comes into sins on top of him and for three years he's doing these unbelievable Americas that no one's ever done villainous Old Testament Scriptures a prophecy of the Messiah and in them dying and resurrecting to be witnessed by 500 people would you honestly say I don't know maybe but could be could be someone else you wouldn't write that off well Israel did and it didn't go too well for them when they read when they got judged by God and the Romans pushed them out of Israel until 1947 likewise with us we're seeing scripture happened right before our eyes and you do not want to ignore it like the Jews did in Israel who ignored their Messiah and all the prophecies he fulfilled now the eighth is verse 11 it says the Beast whose of the seed this is the beasts of the sea there's two of them that wasn't his night is himself also the eighth and of the seven is go into perdition and this was fulfilled in 2013 Pope Francis is the eighth he is the eighth one he is the one that comes after the seventh he is this beast guys this is the beast that is depicted in revelation 17 that Pope Francis is this is how God sees him wrap your mind around this guys Pope Francis fulfills revelation 17 verse 11 he's the eighth after the seventh who was there for a short time he's the Beast that God is depicting in chapter 17 so we need to understand what role he's going to play and who he is as God is warning us he is because if you ignore that you're going to ignore so much that the Holy Spirit is trying to warn us about and be swept away like those of Noah's time who built this boat saying there is calamity and destruction coming God has given to this boat to save you get in his boat and like I've never seen a boat before but I'll pass on that I don't know what rain is no matter what he's talking about never rain before but don't never saw a boat before I don't know have noah built a three-story three deck boat but whatever well I'm going back to this wedding and eating a drinking like jesus said at the end time people will be eating people would drink him getting marriage giving away merch and one have a clue of what's going on but that's why I'm trying to show this to you so you could wake up Pope Francis fulfilled verse 11 he is the Beast of the sea he is the prophesied future false prophet heavy isn't it so folks I hope you enjoyed this teaching I hope you see the truth in this I'll be seeing that prophecy is happening right before your eyes even though the churches that are talking about this passes and they're talking about this Christian networks aren't I remember this you see the whole East it's talking about this because he's showing it to us and I really hope that you had a chance to really be edified and get comfort seeing that Jesus is coming and if so definitely give me a like definitely give me a like so that others when they see this video they would see that while this video definitely has some substance to it and they'll watch it and leave me a comment cuz I want to know what you're thinking I want to know what you feel I want to know what's going through your mind and if you're in agreement or even if you disagree or if you have questions let me know in the comments below and lastly if you know one Christian just one Christian share this video to them share this videos to them I did all the work the Holy Spirit is still working spread this message in this awareness and a certification if you just share it to one Christian to get this out so that we could all be ready and not be sleeping virgins big we woke we won't virgins definitely visit the website subscribe to our website if you want to get up-to-date news revelation events or new videos that I post visit our website if you really want to get to contact me and join a Revelation community of Christians or revelation Christian community visit the website and you could join the members page to get in contact and talk to other Christians revelation Christians who are students are the Holy Spirit in the space I want the community to grow so we all are within the same club we're all cut from the same cloth learn about the same thing with the host we are showing us thank you again for watching I love you guys appreciate all that you're doing for me and supporting me and the work I do for Jesus for you continue to watch because remember Jesus is coming [Music]