@TheRevelationChristian will ask Is Pope Francis the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation? The Startling Evidence Unveiled! See all the evidence that points to him as the false prophet that will usher in the end times.
this is what God wants you to understand about the Book of Revelation and the end times and the most important thing you need to take away to see with your own eyes that we are in the end days and even though that church has passage theologians the scholars are not talking about this you want to trust what God is showing you with your own eyes as a correlates to scripture now we're still in Revelation chapter 17 talking about the eighth Kings the Beast of the sea aka the false prophet previously we talked about Pope Benedict Pope John Paul fulfilled the role of the sixth King now we talked about the role after the verse after that where it talks about how the Pope Benedict will be there for a short time that prophecy was fulfilled in March 2013 then the prophecy after that is whoever's after Pope Benedict will be the eighth the Beast of the sea that was not is also himself the eighth is of the Sabbath and going to Perdition so the prophecy is whoever's after him is the one who's the false prophet and that was Pope Francis whose Revelations it came the Beast of the sea the false prophet and this happened right on our watch so you can see that we are living in the end times and it will be ushered in by Pope Francis