Who could be the antichrist? These clues point to him. Well the antichrist in the bible and mentioned in bible prophecy and end times prophecy can be seen in news update 2020. The antichrist is here now, but who is the antichrist or who is the antichrist in revelation? Who is the antichrist in prophecy and how will he deliver the mark of the beast to bring judgment and the second coming of jesus christ? Well usa in bible prophecy will surprise you. Consider america in prophecy and how america in bible prophecy is not mentioned. Revelation doesn’t talk about the united states in prophecy but the tribulation marks the end of days and brings forth judgment day. Watch this to see how we are living in last days and how end times prophecy will be ushered in by prince hassan bin talal and pope francis, the ones who believe the scriptures pointing to as the future antichrist and false prophet.
one by one pope francis greeted all those in attendance which included people from iraq turkey and jordan in fact the prince of jordan al hasan bin talal was also there and he exchanged a few words with the pope jordan is known for welcoming refugees many of which are christians from neighboring countries since coming back from his trip to turkey the pope has emphasized the importance of having states respect religious freedom and also the need to improve the understanding between christians and muslims now do you see where prince hassan is he sits at the right hand the right hand of pope francis he sits at the right hand of pope francis so i just want you to understand that pope francis identifies who he is and this again is what scripture talks about in the end times it's like a tower of babel 2.0 where the whole world has to come together problem is that christians and jews will not go with this plan because it requires of the christian faith to ex to identify as jesus as the son of god which all religions don't accept so when you have that aspect of the of christians and jews for example not the jews don't identify jesus well some of them do but when you see that as prophet as scripture talks about there'll be massive christian persecution and then the antichrist will go into uh jerusalem and this massacre so many people jesus says run to the mountains so you see this massacre of christians which is on the western side of the world in this massacre of jews which is on the eastern side of the world and that again mirrors what the scripture talks about has to happen in the future with this a false prophet ruling one side of the world and an antichrist ruling the other side of the world under this banner of a newfound religion and you can see with this example here how pope francis identifies the authority and position of princess son been to law that he puts him at the right side of pope francis that was not by accident so now we see princess zan and vince law speaking at the united states and let's take a look at what he says about uh religious interfaith dialogue globalization does not mean the erosion of distinct civilizations or values it means to me including the whole of humanity and paying equal attention to contrary voices it means the mobilization of what i choose to refer to as the universal moral majority to develop a shared consciousness i've watched hours and hours and hours and hours hours and hours of princess zombies lectures speeches he's like an intellectual black belt no kidding about that he's in this extremely into into um i don't know intelligent guys see look i'm not intelligent but you can see princess sean benson is an extremely intelligent scholarly uh individual he's like i said an intellectual black belt so let's peel this apart when he talks about how globalization does not erode uh values distinct values of individuals what he's saying is like look if we all come together your individualism won't erode your culture won't erode your values won't rewrote we're all just being one here's the problem with it as such a falsehood because if you want everyone to be globalized if you want everyone to come untogether some beliefs some cultures some values will have to erode they would have to be done with eve so under the banner of globalism it sounds so nice yeah globalism is great we're all unified in fact that's what pope francis was talking about the fraternity the unity of fraternity we all have more in common than we do at this different then why was jesus crucified he was crucified for the simple fact that he could not adhere and he couldn't subject himself to what the jews and the religious people of the time wanted he couldn't adapt because he is well here's the simple point truth is absolute you can't change it and so with that there's going to be a lot of people that's going to buck the global the global system once princess son ben's law's ambition goes into effect it'll be really hard uh for christians to adhere to that which is explains the the um christian persecution because they what you have to say jesus is not the only way or christianity is not the only way to god aka through jesus christ via jesus christ so that will cause persecution just like jews for example jews are always being persecuted where they go because they're so hard on them to adapt in the countries and where they migrate to they have their own customs cultures values that that assimilation is such a problem they are usually doing with historically speaking always persecuted and jesus talks about that again in the end times when he tells him to run the key question that faces us now is what role religion should play in the context of globalization and hopefully the ongoing empowerment of citizens i am hesitant to use the term democratization i have exchanged viewers with nathan sharansky who of course is very strong on the importance of democratizing our part of the world that is to say marrakech to bangladesh or casablanca to calcutta sometimes referred to as the middle east and i would just like to say that we're talking about the swathe which includes the most populous the poorest and the most dangerous region in the world and in that context i would like to suggest that what is most dangerous is the absence of empowerment of citizens well if you find this fascinating and you find that you're learning a lot definitely let me know put in the comments below jesus is coming or let me know your thoughts i'd like to make sure we have a two-way conversation about all this because i know it's a lot so i really would like to hear from you so we got to understand that what princess ambatsula is saying here is that he advocates that globalism through shared interfaith dialogue where there might be a difference of opinions but it can be just ignored because there's more in common than there's what's different problem is the part that's different is more important than what's common if jesus is the only way to god he says no one comes to father except the moon he is the absolute then you cannot accept the other that's what truth is you see so there's going to be a lot of friction and contentions from from what he's saying but again on the outside it sounds really good but of course no global globalism does not erode values or identity and freedoms no no it doesn't well explain why tower of babel was reduced to nothing and how god has separated having people speak different languages because that was the first concept of globalism but again to have globalism will require others to subject themselves to a different value system so that everyone can be ex everyone could be under one banner problem is you would have to deny a truth in order to accept these different falsehoods and these different lies that the scriptures talks about that's going to happen well thanks for watching if you find that this was useful and the holy spirit led you here i definitely encourage you to visit my website and subscribe where you also be able to download a prophecy guide where i break down past and present and future prophecies to watch for so that way when these stuffs when this stuff starts happening you'll be able to go to the prophecy guide and like look the guy said this will happen and it happened dude said this what happened and happened this website this ministry this dude is legit these are the teachings of the lord so that way you can be able to be encouraged and always know what's going on so highly recommend you visit the website and subscribe and also consider being a member where i'll also send you a link where you could join the facebook group and that way you can be part of other revelation christians and we can all come together and we all participate in a conversation watching the signs that's happening today as it relates to the book of revelation and signs leading to jesus second coming and also consider following my instagram account where i'm going to break down and have open conversations about the videos that i post on youtube that way i can learn more about what you might think or what you understand or don't understand about the content that i just posted so if you want to have a one-on-one conversation there definitely subscribe and follow my instagram account too lastly guys i also have christian apparel so you want to help promote god's message to the world that jesus is coming and support christian content definitely visit the website or the link below where you'll be able to find apparel there that i hope you find um motivated encouraging um and also kind of cool to wear so that way we can get god's message out and we can also promote and encourage other christians to read the book of revelation which a lot of christians don't do so i hope that you will find something that's all the booker up the theme of the apparel is all centered around jesus second coming in the book of revelation so i hope you find it dope and you'll check it out so that's it guys don't forget to like subscribe share it with other christians and definitely watch the other videos i hope you find this series really helpful it's really a lot of work to do but i thank you for your patience thank you for your support and i hope after watching all this things will become more crystallized and you understand more and jesus will increase in your heart and now you know who to watch as the lord holy spirit spirit is showing us all what to watch for all right love you guys take care be safe out there and remember jesus is coming