will explore the history behind the Ark of Covenant it's connection to the book of revelation in order to reveal why God has it hidden and to show when God will disclose it again in the future, during the end times.
so your question you never heard of this is probably why God led to this video and we're going to continue our series talking about the Book of Revelation standing in the Old Testament now we first finished our topic talking about the Exodus when Moses but there's more to talk about when it comes to Moses where God gave him two tablets of stone to put into the Ark of the Covenant and wherever the Ark of the Covenant was God's presence would be then they were told to make the Tabernacle where the high priest would put the blood on the altar to be able to atone for the sins of Israel every year but we haven't seen this dark of the Covenant since the Old Testament and why is that because it won't be seen again until the end time for the Ark of the Covenant be revealed and the reason is is God is hitting it to reveal it at the end time specifically when the market of Beats we instituted to the world because it would be the way to counterbalance the mark of the beast so that those who don't take the Mark will be able to see that this Ark of the Covenant is real so God's word is real God's salvation is Real Jesus is real and he will return and save us until this is a way to be able to counterbalance that effect that weight from the Antichrist force in the world to take the mark and that's why God is reserving it because it's only going to be revealed after the mark of the beast is forced upon the world