@TheRevelationChristian will show The Last 7 Popes and the End Times: Are We Living in the Final Prophecy? Yes, we are and in the book of revelation you will see God gives a countdown showing the last 7 popes down to the last one-pope francis.
so this is what God wants you to understand about the Book of Revelation and the end times so we're going to continue our topic learning about the Revelation 7 Kings another seven five have fallen since scripture tells us that the seven kings are actually seven heads or seven Kings and five of those seven are father is talking about and the holy spirit's been leading us to the Vatican the Roman Catholic church and the popes we learned that recently that the Vatican state is actually a monarchy so they're called Polk but they're actually Kings and if it's the end times there has to be the last set of popes the last line of popes the last line of Kings so of the last seven popes of the end times five of them will fall die and we see that this prophecy was fulfilled in our modern time in 1922 Pope Pius XII 11th died Pope Pius the 12th and not died in 1958. Pope John Paul the 23rd died in 1963. Pope Paul the 6.78 and Paul John Paul the first died in 1978 as well so we see of the last seven popes the five of them have died AKA fallen and you can see that this prophecy has been fulfilled so you can know we are living in the end times