This Revelation Christian episode will show top facts showing who the antichrist will be Prince Hassan Bin Talal from the Book of Revelation scriptures, and evidence that will point to Prince Hasan Bin Talal of Jordan as the one who will be the Antichrist of the end times. This is the antichrist explained exposed video that will help reveal the prophecy of the antichrist.
there's a lot of information on google and on youtube about who the antichrist will be something we'll say is president bush president obama president trump hillary clinton prince charles prince harry prince william queen elizabeth the list goes on and on big bird you name it problem is none of it is based in scripture so what i want to do is show you based in scripture and facts that you can see with your own eyes pointing to who the antichrist will be princess son ben to love jordan so stay tuned so you can see what the holy spirit has to teach you today [Music] hey i'm west washington brooks and this is the revelation christian and i try to help christians understand the topics of the book of revelation like the answer christ false prophet and signs leading to jesus second coming and if you're new to this i definitely recommend you just visit my website and subscribe where you can download a prophecy guide that could bring you up to speed on prophecy uh explaining powerfully prophecies already happened in the past prophecies that happen in the present and prophecies that happen in the future so they can bring you up to speed if this is all new to you and you really don't know where to start and if you also like promoting jesus like i do you can visit my online store where i have apparel at home where that promotes jesus the book of revelation to prayers christians to reason and be read it and be aware of what's going on in the world so you can find all this information in the description below now you may not know who i am and trust what i'm saying but here's something to rest your concerns on june 27 2014 for the teaching of the holy spirit i posted on youtube watch for princess son ben to love jordan to meet pope francis the one i believe to be the future antichrist princess son bentley jordan i said watch from the meat the future false prophet pope francis because i said as the lord is teaching that before they go do what the bible said they're going to do in the future they got to meet so i posted it on youtube in june 2014 three months later it came to pass just as the holy spirit taught so that you can trust what the holy spirit is teaching and showing us all today so far if you like what you're hearing definitely subscribe hit that notification bell so whenever i post a new video you'll get noticed you'll get alerted and you can watch what the lord wants us to know that's happening right before arise so let's see what the holy spirit has to teach us today okay we are now going to talk about why prince's son benson law while he will become the future answer christ and what we're doing is we're taking a look at princess son ben to love jordan we're looking at him and why this is the one the man who will become the antichrist and i'm going to show you facts supported by scripture things you can see with obviously with your eyes and make the conclusion that this is the man who will become the future ants of christ as scripture is pointing and as the lord is pointing to him today supported by scripture now traditionally speaking most christians are taught incorrectly through the just traditions of men that there's no way anyone knows who the antichrist would be because ii thessalonians talk about that the antichrist will be revealed so no one knows it's gonna be until he's revealed that's not true two reasons one the answer christ has a title called son of perdition there's also another person that had that title son of perdition judas so judas who was the first son of tradition has the same time of the antichrist is called also the son of perdition and with judas jesus was able to say before judas became the son of perdition in other words before judas fulfilled his role fulfilling the prophecy of portraying the messiah jesus called out that this is the one who betrayed us this is the one who will deceive me this is the one who's the devil this is the one who who will uh who will fulfill the scripture of uh betraying the messiah in fact the last supper they asked who's the one who betrayed you and he's like the one i dip in the bowl and i give the bread who will deceive me so you see over and over and over again the lord is showing who the first son of perdition was so therefore by that basis alone and that the way the lord has already set up that authority to say yeah you can know who the first son of perdition is therefore we can know who the second son of perdition is in this case the answer christ another thing a touching on this topic of no one will know who the answer crisis is unto he's revealed well jesus also talks about how he will be revealed as mentioned in the book of revelation however we know who jesus is prior to his revealing we know who jesus is we know his parents we know his ancestry his heritage his lineage where he's the descendant of we know his ancestors know what town he's from his words his works etc we know a lot about jesus prior to his revealing therefore since the lord has already made this framework for us we also can know who the antichrist is prior to his revealing we know who he is who his parents are his ancestry his lineage his hometown his works his words etc etc etc prior to his revealing because jesus already set the standard so following the lord's standard we can know who the antichrist is and i will show you who this man will be in this following slides therefore you will see through this presentation today who the holy spirit the lord is pointing to which who will be the few chance of christ princess zombies love jordan so let's take a look at this there's so much learn i don't want to waste your time let's get to it okay we're going into daniel seven we see that the introvert has a title called the little horn the little horn daniel 7 we said daniel says i was considering the horns and there was another horn a little one coming up among the three and here we go again and daniel chapter eight talking about and out of them talking about these horns a little horn with greek seedling grating towards the south and there's talking about in the middle east towards the south towards the east and towards the glorious land israel so right now we see that another title the answer christ has is the title of little horn but what does that mean i'm glad that you asked let's take a look in daniel 7 we see the interpretation of what a horn is it says the ten horns are ten kings so we could take by this interpretation because scripture interprets itself that the ten horns are actually ten kings so we can defer that a horn is a king thereby understanding that a little horn is a little king or short man and as you can see princess son ben's law is a short man by definition of the scripture that we see here or the prophecy that we're going to see is a short man who is a little king or aka the little horn so we see that the little horn is just another description describing the stature of the stature of or the height of the future antichrist which is a little man a short man a short king so we can understand that this is what the scripture is talking about in terms of what a little horn means it just means he's a little king and princess son bentilla is a short man who will be a future short king but let's keep going so we also have here why the antichrist is jordanian well we're going to look into why he's a jordanian because in daniel again chapter 11 says at the end time there's a war with the king of the south and king of the north and look what it says here it says the king of the north he shall enter the glorious land israel conquer many lands but he should enter glorious land and countries shall fall and shall be overthrown but these shall escape his hand eat them open the prominent people mine they shall stretch out his hand against these countries and they let egypt shall not escape and he shall have power over these treasures of gold silvers and other precious things in egypt and libyans the ethiopians was following these hills so essentially we see that this military conquest at the end time will have someone from the king from the north king of the north he's going to conquer the middle east but as he's going in his military campaign edom mob and the prominent people must so this country's here eat a mob and amman will escape from his hand why will they escape well i'm glad you asked well here's a map of ancient times that we can see amman eat up and moab amman eat them and moab and you correlate that to present day map today you find it in this region right here which is present-day jordan so the question is why will the antichrist go into this military conquest from north to south all the way to egypt but as he's doing that he's going to pass amon ida mamma or present day jordan and because that is the antichrist is jordanian the king of the north is jordanian he's not going to capture what's already his so essentially if you were to give an example as if the america wanted to conquer north america and it conquered canada and mexico but washington dc and texas escaped his hand you actually said well why would washington dc escape his hands because washington dc and texas is already part of america so you don't need to capture what you already have so in that case you can understand on that example you can understand how princess on bintilla when he fulfills this role of this military conquest going from north to south he's not going to conquer edo more than a month because he already has that kingdom it's already part of the hashemite kingdom and this is an expansion of the hashemite kingdom but let's talk about the hashemite kingdom in the origin of it okay so this is uh princess song bin slaw's great grandfather great great grandfather uh king hussein bin ali king of assad's descendant of the prophet muhammad now after the fall of ottoman empire where the british and the french worked with the arab king here saying ben ali to this to destroy and dismantle the ottoman empire he was given the crown to be the king of the shah stretching in this coastline here all the way stretching to mecca but that didn't stop there because he also had a son king faisal which is prince hassan bin salad's great uncle and king hussein i mean king faisal was king of syria and iraq and also king ali's had another son king abdullah who was also the king of jordan so you can see that king hussein ben ali has two sons who were kings of jordan syria and iraq so essentially what prince hassan bin salah wants to do is he wants to expand and further expand the the hash of my kingdom that his ancestors already did he wants to re-establish the hashemite kingdom that was initiated by his ancestors beginning with king hussein bin ali king of assad so this is what he wants to do and that's what he wants he wants a crown like his ass there's a saddest crown like his brother had a crown his uncle had a crown cousin had a crown he wants a crown because he was passed over his nephew was he was passed over for his nephew uh he was supposed to be king of jordan but he was passed over and the crown was given to his nephew even though he was the one with the title crown prince and in monarchy uh monarchy customs whoever has the town crown prince that title is the recipient of the crown when the king passes away but he was passed over at the last minute and the crown was given to his nephew so this man princess zumba talon wants a crown but speaking of crown let's talk about that so if you go to first seal it talks about how there's a person that's riding a horse let's look at this in the first seal and this is chapter six verse one it says in earned two he says look and behold a white horse and he was sat on it had a bow and a crown was given to him and we are conquering her conquering and to conquer but what does that mean well that means here the person that's the rider of the horse will be given a crown and what does that mean essentially it translates to princess son will eventually turn into king asan once he receives the crown so the first seal that we're going to look for or when the first seal comes the first seal will be an indication of princess son benzolal being crowned king it's a coronation but this is what we're seeing interpreting the uh coronation of prince hassan becoming king hassan bin salah and when that happens that will indicate the first seal has been opened because in the first seal it's indicated that the writer princess son bentallah will be given a crown which is a coronation the crowns only are given to royalties which are princes who become kings so it's a coronation of princess on benzola of jordan but you think that's far-fetched no it is not because it almost happened in 2002 or three let's take a look so look at this in 2002 says here that if iraqis wanted king hassan of jordan could be their man we see in this article here that we had american diplomats followed by printing on officials dick cheney and some british colleagues were considering princess son bentilla to be the king of jordan as they were trying to rebuild the country in iraq during the iraq war why is that because number one he's the 42nd descendant of the prophet muhammad so therefore he has a right to rule over muslim sunni muslims in particular number two his ancestor he is of the family of the heshen my kingdom who once ruled iraq but iraq fell his cousin was murdered who was king faisal ii his cousin was murdered from through the bath party which was controlled by saddam hussein and as a result of that the hashemite kingdom lost iraq so you can see that this was more of a precursor showing that he could be the one that could reestablish the king dumb of iraq back to the heshamites as it once was with his great great uncle king faisal now let's talk about prince of samban's law's flattery because scripture talks about how the antichrist will move and deceive with flattery these are four things that princess farm loves to talk about human dignity ward energy and human environment regional cooperation interfaith solidarity or dialogue so what you hear with his own mouth just how the the soothing flattery words that he can he conveys to his his audience and how it just moves people to fall to his heels as he's this humanitarian messiah for the world
is working tirelessly to improve the standards of sanitation which will transform lives globally your highness thank you so much for uh taking the time to talk to us about the work you're doing to improve access to water and sanitation around the world i know that you are now chairing the un secretary general's advisory board on water and sanitation this is an issue you've been very passionate about for many many years just explain to us why it's something that you've really taken to your heart because of the human face of it because the children all over the world are not going to realize their potential boys and girls unless they have the chance of making it beyond the age of five millions of children are dying as a result of cholera typhoid all sorts of diseases directly linked to so far you see how he's talking about the human face the humans suffering boys and girls and children we need to solve the children's problems so again you see his compassion for the those who are suffering in the world specifically the children in the human dignity is just lost so that's why he's trying to advocate for those who are suffering but there's more let's continue to hear his flattery how is this still the situation in 2013 the correlation is always between building shopping malls making money on new investments hosting the next olympic games or whatever it may be but nobody's focusing on the human face of misery today water is one of those challenges food security of course is another challenge but everything is interrelated humans have simply not taken home the context of the physical environment being also the human environment so everyone talking about the gdp deficit but what about the human dignity deficits so i think that the time has come to recognize that we simply have to manage our destiny uh and in particular in terms of future generations this is not about me i'm not important it's about the kids and their kids it trips me out when he talks about he it's not about him he's not important you know i'm only known throughout the world through state leaders royals you know i'm only a royalty in my own nation and i'm also known throughout the world
prophet john the foreign one of the most popular religions in the world you know but it's not about me it's about everyone else so you can see again this and oh he loves his coin phrases too his his what it's not about dude we always talk about the deficit what about the human dignity deficit he loves he loves his coin phrases that he makes up and repeats over and over again but nonetheless you see how he's talking about humanitarian efficacy of the human human dignity and the the human face of it or the human suffering so he has a global ideal on the humanitarian uh initiatives that he wants to fix and solve with the world and this is the flattery that just woos the world into melting in his hands because of the things that he's saying that seems like he's a philanthropist he's he's doing philanthropic type of programs and initiatives but really it's only to fulfill what scripture says he's going to do and to deceive the world into just serving it to him uh on a platter only to fulfill god's word but let's keep going now we know about the third temple and how the third temple is relevant because the answer has to go into the third temple called himself god and bam we see that that's when the world really changes so let's go into how that all happens take a look at this okay so here's a scripture in zechariah 8 7 where we see after the fall of the jewish nation in 70 a.d when the romans came and scattered around we see that here's a prophecy how the lord said after that here he will bring his people from the land of the east and west and that was fulfilled in 1948 when israel became a nation then next verse it says in verse eight they they shall dwell in the mystic jerusalem so we see that happened in 1967 during the six day war israel took about jerusalem the last prophecy of this three sequence prophecy is that they're going to build the temple and so we see that this the last thing we need to look for is the building of a third temple now if we look in historically speaking we see that in 1967 in the six day war the jews took back the temple mount they took jerusalem during the six day war which fulfilled that prophecy in zechariah 8 8 that they shall dwell in the midst of jerusalem and in 1994 as egypt made a peace treaty with israel jordan also made a peace treaty with israel and you can see right here king hussein and his brother prick at the time crown prince hassan been to love jordan signing a peace treaty with with jordan and israel making only two countries to have a peace treaty with israel jordan and egypt but at the time that peace treaty was signed the temple mount had to be had to give up their the temple mount custodial ship that which was once held by jews in israel had to be handed over to the hashemite kingdom so the hashemite kingdom now because of that 1994 treaty owns the real estate and the custodianship of the temple mount and the holy sites and so when the scripture talks about how he shall confirm a covenant when the word confirm when you translate it it means to be strong to make strong to strengthen is talking about how scripture is saying that he's going to affirm or strengthen what's already in place so it's not that he's going to make a new covenant or folks are thinking that a new covenant is going to come that that is going to make something new with the antichrist rather the antichrist is going to affirm or strengthen what's already there established in 1994. so we could see that happen because in 1994 this is how the temple mount or the dome of the rock looked and you see how decrepit and how uh decayed it was but then the hashemite kingdom of jordan donated money to restore it and now restore it to its present form so this is how we see the relevancy of the hashemite kingdom of jordan the holy site specifically the dome of the rock where the third temple has to be built because in that that third and the scripture talks about how the how the antichrist had a covenant that was made well that was established in 94 and in 94 it gave the custodianship from the jews to the hashemite kingdoms so in order for a third temple to be built it must go through the hashemite kingdom of jordan he must go to the jordan royal family because they are the ones who own the custodial ship of the temple mount so that's why they are a key player and right now the one person who is pointing one person the lord is pointing to to fulfill that role is princess son benslow jordan who will allow the third temple to be built to affirm and reaffirm strengthen the covenant that he himself was there that they already made with israel so this is enough to be able to show you how all these facts is pointing to princess on been to love jordan being the one who will be the future antichrist so thank you so much for watching i really hope you enjoyed it make sure you do like and leave me a comment below on what you thought about this video i'd love to engage in a conversation with you about it and remember folks don't lose hope because remember jesus is coming