Interested in the traits of the antichrist? Well the antichrist in the bible and mentioned in bible prophecy and end times prophecy can be seen in news update 2020. The antichrist is here now, but who is the antichrist or who is the antichrist in revelation? Who is the antichrist in prophecy and how will he deliver the mark of the beast to bring judgment and the second coming of jesus christ? Well usa in bible prophecy will surprise you. Consider america in prophecy and how america in bible prophecy is not mentioned. Revelation doesn’t talk about the united states in prophecy but the tribulation marks the end of days and brings forth judgment day. Watch this to see how we are living in last days and how end times prophecy will be ushered in by prince hassan bin talal and pope francis, the ones who believe the scriptures pointing to as the future antichrist and false prophet.
now the scripture talks about how the antichrist is going to see of using flattery but what does that mean well you're going to see with your own eyes and here with your own ears the flattery of princess son bentolov jordan the one who i believe scripture is pointing to as the one who will be the future antichrist
now if you want to learn about prophecy as it's happening right before our eyes and updates on information and topics of the book of revelation and signs leading to jesus second coming definitely subscribe to this channel the revelation christian and hit the notification bell so whenever i produce a new video you'll be notified of it i'm wes watkins brooks and welcome to the revelation christian and this is where i help christians understand the topics of the book of revelation and specific and detailed signs happening right before our eyes in today's time pointing to jesus second coming and if i can't even do that i just want to encourage more christians to read the book of revelation if they agree or disagree with me because god gave us the book of revelation for a reason but it's the most ignored book of the bible and satan has conditioned the body of christ christians to not read it either because it might be scared or they don't understand or churches and pastors don't even talk about it so it's my mission and it's my passion to help christians and drive more christians to read the book of revelations because it's the revelation of jesus christ now i have a passion and call and do this for so many years that i even created a website that if you want more information what whether you want to reach out to me and you want to deep dive on the topics outside of youtube visit my website and subscribe to the revelation you'll find a lot more information there and a lot of other members there who are also watching the signs that the book of revelation talks about and i was even blessed enough to be able to be flown out of state to give live presentations on these topics because what i'm saying is starting to resonate with the body of christ with a lot of christians so i hope that you see that this is a place where god is calling people to pay attention to and in addition to that what the lord holy spirit taught me that i taught you on youtube prophecy to watch out for proving where in the end times later came to pass three months later so what i said to watch for i posted on youtube june 27 2014 and three months later it came to pass just as the holy spirit said and if you believe scripture like i think you believe scripture the scripture says this as for the prophet who prophesies of peace when the word of the prophet comes to pass the prophet will be known as one whom the lord has sent as you can see what the holy spirit taught that he's showing us all i said to you and it came to pass so this is the message that the lord is sending for us all
so we're continuing our antichrist flattery series and if you haven't seen part one and two definitely go watch part one and two that way you have a foundation that you're building upon before you watch this part here and in order to be able to understand this part here i want you to first go back to the first and second to be able to know where we were where we are and where we're going to understand the full picture the larger picture of what we're talking about in this antichrist flattery series the flattery of the antichrist series so we're going to continue to part three and i hope that you really found this astounding and it really start to click here because now we're deep diving into uh princess son ben talal of jordan and parallel and correlating that to scripture and seeing how they both fit his ambition and what scripture says the answer christ will do and what god says about the last days and his ambition for the region of the world that god says to pay attention to so let's get started because i'm really excited so now we're going to continue where we left off on part three of the series learning more about princess on benslov jordan the humanitarian prince who wants water peace and interfaith dialogue for the world he wants to bring priests to a regional conflict that he lives in in the middle east he wants to bring water to those who lack water in order to give and improve their uh living circumstances and their living conditions and he wanted to bring interfaith dialogue to the most popular three faiths in the world uh christianity judaism and uh islam so this is his ambition these are his goals but we're gonna go again go back to his website and look at his four pillars his four ambitions his four passions human dignity in the world water energy in the human environment we are recovered in part two and part three regional cooperation so now we're going to look at part three of regional cooperation and what does that mean regional cooperation to princess on is to create a new union with middle east countries in north africa create a new union with middle east countries in north africa so what we're going to do first is start with scripture what we're going to do is lay the foundation on god's word and from god's word we're going to build upon that and we're going to then see which god's word says as it relates to the antichrist and what he will do in his ambitions and we're going to see that prophecy and then we're going to look at princess son ben's love jordan listen to what he has to say in his ambitions and then you're going to see with what he said and which god says and see how they just fit like a glove and it makes so much sense to see that this is the man that god is pointing to as the one who will be the future enterprise and i want to make this clear because a lot of people don't understand this princess son the antichrist in the bible is known as the title many titles one of them is called son of perdition there's only one other person in the bible who has that same title son of petition and that is judas judas was called son of perdition and these were only two people the antichrist in judas who satan possessed satan possessed judas satan will possess the antichrist that's why they both have the title son of perdition so what god is teaching us with judas is that which is this is the biggest misconception in eschatology and christian end time studies and a lot of scholars can't seem to grasp is that there's no way the world is impossible there will be no way anyone will know who the antichrist is until god reveals them no way is going to happen but what they fail to realize in the example that god already gave us is what that the revealing or revealing the antichrist does that mean he's not ever going to be known it means full public disclosure because again if you look at the word revealing in the way god is using it take the book of revelation it's called the revealing of jesus christ the revelation of jesus christ so if we don't know who jesus is based on scholars interpretation of revealing nobody knows who jesus is because he won't be revealed into the book of revelation right because it's the revelation of jesus christ if no one knows the revealing is but we do know we know where jesus is from you know what jesus has said we know his parent his lineage his ancestry we know the talents from we know so much about jesus christ but there will be a revealing a public exposure of them now looking at the antichrist thessalonians paul tells us that he will be revealed at a later time but to say that he's not going to be known until then it's false because judas was also the first son of perdition the disciples knew who he was the disciples heard him disciples talked to him he was a public figure everyone saw him but he wasn't revealed until satan entered him so i just want to make that clear first you can know who the antichrist will be but his public exposure his public uh revelation his public um appearance will be at a later time but god has given us the mystery to understand god has given us the insight to understand who he will be because they know who he was with judas in fact jesus jesus was saying one of you is not mine one of you is the devil one of you are going to betray me and then in the last supper jesus is like oh there was like saying who's going to portray lord who is it and jesus like okay i'm going to dip this bread in the cup and give it to the guy who's going to betray me judas and they still was like who is who can it be so understand the lord is definitely willing to show us who the antichrist will be but that's different from his public appearance to the world the revelation of the antichrist or the revelation of jesus christ i hope you guys get it so let's jump back into daniel chapter 2 and see the foundation that god is going to explain to us all right let's get it so daniel chapter 2 you'll see that king nebuchadnezzar of babylon had a dream no one can interpret the dream except one of the hebrews brought from israel during the captivity daniel daniel was able to go to king nebuchadnezzar and explain to him the dream that he saw king nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a statue of a man whose head was gold silver chest and arms waist of bronze legs of iron and feet of iron and clay and these represented kingdoms in which then a stone cut from heaven without hands human hands stone comes from heaven crashes into the statue at its feet the stone didn't cut at the hand the stones didn't crash into the head or the arms and chest or the waist or the legs they crashed into the feet destroyed the whole thing and this small stone stood up to be a mountain that stood up before the world and this is jesus return where he makes his empire his kingdom the last is forever so we're gonna break this down what does this story this vision mean well daniel interprets this statue that king nebuchadnezzar has that the gold represents the babylonian empire the gold representing the babylonian empire was conquered by the persians represented by the silver chest and arms which was the p the medes and persian empire that conquered the babylonian empire then the bronze which came into the picture represented the um the greek empire led by alexander the great who conquered the persians alexander the great empire after he died became four kingdoms that later became two kingdoms the later became one kingdom that is known as the roman empire the roman empire is the moment in which jesus into the picture so jesus came into not in the babylonian empire the messiah didn't come into the media persian empire he didn't come into the greek empire he came into the roman empire here now when jesus came into the roman empire or as he was crucified by the romans we see later on we see the roman empire then split into the eastern and western roman empire whereas we have the prophecy here the legs the legs representing the east and west roman empire made of iron then we see from there the legs turn into two feet which is in our modern time what we call europe in the middle east so we see with europe in the middle east representing the two feet representing two feet so just as the empire split or the legs split we see going down further in time the feet were here this is where we are two feet folks so jesus is going to return here there is no kingdoms after this guys so if we lived in the babylonian empire we would say oh well the end time isn't here because we're not defeat if we get left here we know that end time isn't here because we're not defeat we are here at the feet because this is where the stone comes this whole story ends at the feet there is nothing else after this so i definitely want you to understand we are not moving past this empire this this moment of time guys so just understand that europe and the middle east is the combination of the feet and the bottom at the feet of the statue in daniel's prophecy this is it this is it guys now daniel says this in daniel chapter 2 whereas you saw the feet and toes partially of potter's clay and a partially of iron the kingdom shall be divided emphasis on divided two kingdoms yet the strength of the iron shall be in it just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay and the toes of the feet were partially of iron and parchment clay so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile so one kingdom is dependent on another but this is still one kingdom split into two but one is weak one is strong so as you can see what the scripture is pointing to us here and teaching us is that at the end times there's two kingdoms in that region of the world europe the middle east that it won't be known as europe or the middle east yeah there will be a two kingdoms coming to one but one kingdom will be stronger where one kingdom will will be weaker one kingdom is weak in sense of what its resources are and another kingdom will be strong based on the resources it has nonetheless these two will become one and as their kingdoms there will be one ruler for one region of that kingdom and it'll be another ruler for the another region of that kingdom this is where we see the emphasis on explanation of the false prophet and the antichrist we see the two false prophet and answer christ just as we see the two feet in daniel statue statute just as we see the two here in the kingdom of strong wink there's a kingdom that's weak and the kingdom and a strong and just to see there's two again of the kingdom mix of ceramic clay and the kingdom that is made of iron so you see this two two two two two two two over and over and over again just as we understand what the holy spirit is teaching us what he showed us with daniel vision and the two feet and the ceramic clay and the iron and the kingdom nest strong in the kingdom next week and the antichrist and the false prophet these two let's see what prince hassan bintala has to say about his ambition with regards to regional cooperation i believe that an intra-independent relationship should develop between human resource-rich countries and oil-resource-rich countries so folks as you can see what princess son bin salah is saying right here he believes in a intra-independent relationship between human-rich countries that's europe and oil-rich countries that's the middle east so this is what he's focusing on folks in his own words he feels and believes that success for his goals relies on human resource countries europe oil resource rich countries the middle east oil resource countries can provide the funding and collateral and compensation through the oil to get the infrastructure in things that it needs that it can't produce itself whereas the human oil human resource rich countries lack the oil and can use that type of commodity oil to be able to pay for all the things that the middleweights need so it's a win-win the human resource which countries can get the oil while the oil resources because country could give the human resources so princess on ben's law saying that he believes that this should be a intra-independent a two-nation system that acts as one which again parallels to what daniel's just taught us in the scriptures in daniel 2 of the feet mixed with iron and clay though they will be as one they're mixed as iron and clay so they have a co-dependency or intra-independent they won't make they won't they're still two kingdoms because the scripture says to divide it but they're mixed with one one is weak one is strong but they work together as two kingdoms and this is where jesus will return when these two become one so i hope you've seen what princess son has himself is saying in terms of the region so let's continue so tell me what you think is this opening your mind you're starting to see with clarity what the holy spirit is teaching us if so leave me your comments below i'd love to hear what you have to say or just tell me jesus is coming because you're excited that we are getting closer to his return so when we look at a map again and we see what scripture says we correlate daniel's prophecy to what prince's son bentilla is saying he's talking about europe and he's talking about the middle east he's talking about how these two the the feet mixed with iron and clay and europe being the human resource rich countries and the middle east being the oil rich countries that these two should be an inter-independent relationship or these should be regions that work together that become one so this is what the scriptures is telling us notice that we're not moving anywhere outside where the holy spirit has taught us well the holy spirit taught us to start from babylon and it grew into this region of the world didn't go all the way over to asia or america or africa is right here this is this is exactly the era in which the holy spirit is pain it's focused it's telling us to drive our focus to this region of the world and prince hassan benson law wants and believes that success in his goals and ambition it depends on human rich resource countries and oil-rich resource countries coming together as one which fulfills daniel's prophecy of the feet at the end time mixed with iron and clay iron being europe clay being the middle east now that you see what the holy spirit is showing you i highly recommend you visit my website and subscribe number one so that you can get updates on news alerts or new videos or new content new blogs that i post that you may be interested in as relates to topics on the book of revelation in jesus second coming but two so that you can download my prophecy guide that i made for you so if you're new to this or you're not new to this and you understand a lot of it this prophecy guide can help you in terms of understanding where we were and where we are daniel's prophecy and all the prophecy fulfilled after him and the most recent prophecy of our time that we still happen right before eyes so give you a nice chronological order of prophecies that happen then that's happening now as we speak number three it'll also show you the prophecy that watch for that's going to happen next so when that prophecy happens you'll have documentation and you have a reference guide to show you wow the revelation princess said this would happen and it happened this must be the message the lord is sending for us so this these this is true these this is true so i want you to get that prophet god so that way you'll be well informed you'll be ahead of everyone else and you can be a witness to showing what god is showing us all for other christians and maybe even pastors of your church like wow this is it we need a re-teaching on all of this because stuff is becoming more clear because the holy spirit is showing and teaching us as we speak and if you want to support christian concert creators like myself i definitely appreciate it if you visit my store and check out my apparel the descriptions in the link will be in below or the link will be below in the description and you visit my store and you'll find the perils there that you may be interested in and it's all centered around a theme of the book of revelation so that way christians can be aware of jesus is coming if they need thy hope or you could be part of god's plan getting his message out to the world that jesus is coming and encourage other christians to read the book of revelation and inspire them to read the book of revelation and be part of god's plan sharing his message to the world that jesus is coming thank you all for watching again don't forget to like and subscribe and share this to one christian one christian who can benefit from this so we can wake them up and so that we can also be part of god's plan sharing his message of hope to the world that jesus is coming