Who is the Antichrist and where is he from? We are going to look at the book of revelation and prince hassan bin talal. Many who teach this topic keep to the tradition, suggesting nobody will know who the antichrist is until the 0 hour when he is "revealed". However, Jesus teaches us in the scriptures that He was know prior to when He will be revealed. Therefore, we can know about who the antichrist is and where he is from BEFORE he is revealed.
There's a lot of information surrounding the topic of antichrist. And one of the topics is, is where the antichrist will come from. Problem is the answer to that is always like nobody knows. There's no way to know. And that's really fueled from tradition, institutional teaching to scholars, et cetera, a lot of generational mistakes around this particular topic. Because again, as Jesus has, as the holy spirit is all he taught us in scripture. When it comes to the Christ, we know where he's from his linage ancestry. We know those words works, deeds, life, death, resurrection. And if Satan counterfeits that it will mimic and copy what Jesus has already done. Therefore we be able to know also, and antiChrist life history, ancestry, ethnicity, country of origin, et cetera, but institutional teachings a doctrine says that there's no way to know that. So I wonder what I want to do is go through scripture. So you can see, you can know where the antichrist is from in order to be prepared and be able to see what the holy spirit is teaching and showing us today. Stay tuned. You don't want to miss this.
Hey, thanks for watching. I west watchman brooks of the revelation Christian that help Christians understand topics surrounding the book of revelation to increase your relationship and grow your love for Jesus Christ in preparation for Jesus' second coming, because remember the book of revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Not just a revelation of stuff that's going to happen in the future. Now over seven years I've been teaching prophecy. And as recently as June 27th, 2014, based off the teaching of the holy spirit, I said, watch for prince hassan bin talal of jordan. The one I believe who will be the future anti-Christ to meet Pope Francis. The one I believe he will be the future false prophet. I say, watch what he's doing to me based off the teaching of holy spirit. And three months later, they met just as the holy spirit taught because as the scripture says that these folks are going to go do this prophecy, that catastrophe.
I said they got to meet. So based off the teaching of the Lord, I said, watch me. And then three months later, they met just as holy spirits taught. So you can know the holy Spirit's teaching and showing us all together today. That being said, you need to watch for the next prophecy, which is revelation 17, 12, the rise of these 10 Kings, therefore a watch for queen Elizabeth of UK to be replaced by king and watch for queen Margaret of Denmark to be replaced by king. Once these two Queens are replaced by Kings, it was set in motion, the prophesied 10 Kings prophecy of revelation, 17:12 so far, if you liked learning about prophecy and you want to learn and grow in Jesus and grow your heart closer to him in preparation to meeting the king of heaven, subscribed to this channel. So I can help you with that.
I will definitely look forward to serving you and I appreciate humbly appreciate your subscription. And if you really want to know more about what's going on, we want news updates and alerts visit my website, revelation, christian.com and subscribe working, keep you informed and updated. And you can also download a proxy guide that I for you, where are you going and past present and future prophecies there you'll be able to track as they're happening right before your eyes. And if you want to join me in the whole community of revelation, Christian, Sharon God's message to the world that Jesus is coming visit over to my website and see the store where you can find a revelation, Christian apparel where I'm inspired by the book, revelation themes, and make graphic t-shirts and accessories and hardware to be able to promote hope and God's message to the world. Jesus is coming because the world needs it. So you can do that in support what I do through the store. I really appreciate it. And I thank you for joining me if you decided to do so. So let's see what the holy spirit has to teach us today.
So I've been doing this for so long that when I bring up this topics and I bring up these answers to these questions, I'm always hit with the same type of traditional response over and over and over again. And that is this, this, this misconception that this person is so riddled in mystery, that he is such a conceal clandestine individual. You won't know until the zero hour who this individual be. However, as I said, in the premise of this video, at the beginning of the video, I said that you can know, because remember, Satan is counterfeiting Christ, just like he counterfeits the holy spirit, just like he counts her fits God he's follows their pattern because he knows their way is always the right perfect way. So he copies that and counterfeits it just so he can make it benefit in his favor. So just adds, for example, real easy to understand it's in the book of Genesis.
Remember God said to Adam and Eve, uh, don't eat that fruit. And here goes, Satan saying, you shouldn't eat that fruit. Just the same type of wording sort of speak and just invert it for his benefit. So he's not telling them go dig that hole or go jump over that log or go build this, build this alter, build this. He didn't tell him to do something that God didn't say to do. He told him to go do something. God said don't do so. You see how it was just a counterfeit of what God has said. Same thing when it comes to the anti-Christ. So is Jesus is the Christ. And by that we know his origin his ethnicity, his parents, we know his history ancestry at this, his country of origin. We know his words, his deeds, his life, his death, his resurrection, all this information surrounding and points to him to be the Christ.
Likewise, Satan's counterfeit. AntiChrist will follow that same pattern where we too can know his ethnicity, his country of origin, his, uh, life, his, uh, his, his, uh, um, deeds, his words, his work, all of that, just like Jesus. And therefore, we also put a discerning of the holy spirit. Can, he will be able to point to us saying that this person is the anti-Christ just as the holy spirit pointing to us, teaching us that this person, Jesus of Nazareth was the, is the Christ. You see what I mean? So let's jump scripture. So you can identify where he's from because you asked tradition, you ask scholars, you're ex the, the, the, the theologians, et cetera. They won't tell you this. And if this won't be something that's accepted, but the holy spirit is our teacher and he is showing us as he showed us before, let's jump in scripture and see what I'm talking about.
So in Daniel, chapter 11, we have this, this prophecy here of what is her Christ will do. And it's in Daniel 11 verse 14, the university chapter, it talks about at the end time. So clearly we talking about not during the time of Daniel, then the time of Jesus, we're talking about the very hint. So, so it says here at the time of the end, the king of the south shark attack him the kingdom and north, and he shall come against him like a whirlwind. We're talking about the king of the south Egypt and king of the north were talking about the anti-Christ. So it says that we can, the north shall attack him. So I come against him like a whirlwind with chairman sportsmen and many ships, and shall enter the country, overwhelm them pass through. He shall also enter the glorious land were taught them about Israel, Jerusalem, and many countries shall be overthrown, but these shall escape him.
His hand, eat them more. And a month, the prominent people of a month, he shall stretch out his hand against the countries in the land of Egypt shall not. Escape were landed. Egypt is the place of the south. He shall have power over the treasures of gold, silver, and over the precious things of Egypt. All of a sudden Libyans Ethiopian shall follow his heels, but from news from the east and the child trouble him, therefore he shall go out with great fury and destroy and aniliate many and shall plant the tenets of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain yet, shall he shall come to his end and no one will help him. So this is what I want to bring to your attention. We see that there's military conquests by this king of the north versus the king of the south.
And we see that the king of the north moves south and goes against Egypt with this massive military force. And he's gone from Northern side, which is, we could say stretching from Turkey to Syria, going all the way through to Jerusalem, where we get here, the glorious lands, uh, where it talks about how you got into the glorious land. In many countries, they'll be overthrown. And he, as he goes through this, millenarian Harriet conquest from north to south and in Congress, the land of Egypt, but no one shall escape in the country of the middle states that eat up more up in the prominent people who a month I'll get a pass. It says these shots, Cape his hand, eat them more up in the prominent people of Vermont. So what I want to bring to your attention here is why is it that you have this person who is the antichrist, who's going to go through this military conquest.
Who's going to then cycle down from travel down from Turkey, through Syria, all the way down to Egypt, the Crescent, the Lavant of the middle east go go from north to south. And what he's going to do is conquer everything from that turn in that terrain, going from north to south. Yet this country that it's Moab Edom and a Ammon gets a pass. They're going to escape his hand. Moab Edom and Ammon. Doesn't get touched as this conquer goes, conquering the entire region over there from north to south. Why is that? This is why let's take a look. So when you look at the map of Israel, let's say of the, um, dating back to ancient times, okay? You see here in Israel, you have a month, uh, you also have in the south or the, actually in the Southeast, you have Moab.
And then you also have in the Southwest in Judah, you have Edom. So here we have Israel and we see a Ammon Moab and Edom. And this is the country that this antichrist, AKA kingdom north will travel, no travel, south Conakry and Syria, um, uh, ease, uh, Israel going all the way down to Egypt. But th these countries here gets a pass. Now that is so odd to understand how can someone, who's a conqueror. Who's going to be conquering and conquering, conquer into conquer. Who's going to be conquering and to conquer go throughout this entire region and just decimate everything in his path, all the way to Egypt, but Ammon, Moab, and Edom gets a pass. Well, if we, if we look at this too, and compare it to today's map, this is what we find front Ammon. And we find Moab and Edom is present day Jordan.
So what the holy spirit is teaching us here is that this military conqueror, AKA the king of the north AK, there is anticChrist. Who's going to travel north to south, conquer everything in his path, conquering Jerusalem all the way to Egypt. Yet. We see that he's going to not yet touch Ammon, not touch Moab up and not touch Edom, which is what we call presently Jordan. So the answer to that question is because he's from Jordan. We see that the antichrist won't conquered a country that he already has. So we clearly can understand and make that connection because it makes sense. You're not going to have a conqueror to go from. For example, if your United States, one of the military conquest to conquer the north America, you're not going to say that, oh, the United States also conquered New York. As it conquered Canada. He was like, well, that doesn't make any sense.
You'll say, well, your United States already conquered. I already has New York. So it doesn't need to conquer New York because it already has it, but it did take Canada. Or if he said it took everything from north to south, but it didn't mention Texas. You're like, wait a second. Why didn't we, why didn't in the United States, conquer, Texas. Cause they're already has it. So as the United States, in this example, if we went to conquer the north and the south were conquered of south America and north America, but didn't mention conquering Texas, because it already has it likewise, in this, we see this military conquest going from north to south taking, everything that's in the middle and everything that the below, but it leaves out Edom Moab and Ammon because the Pope of, because a Prince Hassan Bin Talal,the furture antihrist, who's Jordanian already has Edom Moab and Ammon.
So there's no need to conquer what you already have, which then indicates to us, this is his ethnicity. This is his country of origin. This is where the antichrist is from Jordan. So you can see how this just makes sense. It's contrary to what tradition is contrary to what the scholars in the lot of theologian say on this topic. Because again, they're all regurgitating the old wine teachings of this topic instead of what the new wine teaching with the holy Spirit's giving us today, whether we can see what our own eyes. So let's also reinforce this concept so you can see truly what the Lord is showing and teaching us, take a look. Okay. So now if that wasn't enough, here is the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan's flag. This is the Royal flag of the Hashemite king. And we see that this Royal flag here started by king Hussein bin, uh, Lee, who was first the king of the jaws after working with the British and the French to then retake this region from the Ottoman empire, and then stretch it over to king Feisal, who was the king of Syria in Iraq and stretched over to his brother.
Who's the son of king, Ben Ali king Abdullah the First who's also king of Jordan. So we see that king Hussein had ben Ali after working with the French and the British to conquer this region from the Ottoman empire became king of hajaz, who also had a son who became king of Jordan, who also had a son who was king of Iraq and Syria. Now we see that these flags here have a unique color pattern. We see that the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan has red, white, black, and green. We see that the country of oil in this case of the Hashemite kingdom flag, we see that Iraq and Syria also have white, red, black, and green. So we see that also Jordan has a flag that has white, red, black, and green. But this being said, we can see that this also correlates to something we've seen before.
In the book of revelation, we see that this has been shown to us already in revelation six, we have the seals that are open by Jesus. And we see the seals trigger these horses. And we see in revelation six, two, there's a horse. That's white six, four, there's a horse. That's red 6:5, there's a horse. That's black and six, eight. There's a horse that's pale, which translates to green. And that correlates exactly to what we see with the Hashemite kingdom flag of a white horse. You see the white and the Hashemite kingdom fly red horse. You see the red that's in the Hashemite kingdom flag, black horse, you see black, the Hashemite kingdom flag, green horse. You see the bringing us in the Hashemite kingdom flag. Everything points to this region, this region, and was this world family that started the royalty in this region of the world.
It was not here prior to king Hussein, Ben Ali, because the Ottoman empire controlled all of it. So we see king Hussein Bin Ali facilitated the Royal institution of that Hashemite kingdom. And in rappers, it was represented in this flag. So again, we see the adoption of the other flags today came from the Hashemite kingdom and we see that the first kingdom in that region was the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan. And we see that the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan span it from the Hijaz all around that Crescent of the Lavant or in the middle east. So we see the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan flag with the white, red, black green. We see the Royal, we see the horses in the, in the seals have white, red, black, green. And we see what Jordan having these colors, that it points to Daniel's prophecy of the antichrist during this military campaign from north to south and give Jordan a pass, which biblically what's called Moab Edom and Ammon.
So therefore by all this information, the holy spirit is showing us that we can see today. It gives us the understanding. It's know that the antichrist will be from Jordan he's Jordanian. So therefore we can know who the anti-Christ or where the antichrist will come from. And that being said, which is why we need to watch this man Prince Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan, a few chains for Christ. He is the one that the holy spirit is pointing to for us to learn and see who he is and who he will be. And everything that we've seen and talked about in the Lord is teaching and showing us today points to him. And that's why I made a playlist for you all to watch is the antichrist series. You can learn more about Prince Hassan Bin Talal. His ethnicity has worked his words, his interviews, his heritage, his lineage, his Royal history.
You could see so much about him that you'll see, yeah, this is clearly the person who's going to be the future antichrist. So now you've got to understand based off what the holy spirit has taught us, based off the holy spirit showed us it based on what the holy spirit has given us an understanding of. We can see where the antiChrist will come from Jordan. So thank you for watching. I really appreciate it. I hope that this was definitely edifying for you. Make sure you do like do share, leave a comment below. I would love to know your thoughts about this. Thank you so much again for watching folks. Don't lose hope because we remember Jesus is coming.