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The Revelation  Watchman

Why Queen Elizabeth Top Secret Death Plan Signals The Book Of Revelation Bible Prophecy

Writer's picture: West "Watchman" BrooksWest "Watchman" Brooks

Queen Elizabeth top secret death plan signals the book of revelation bible prophecy. Revelation 17:12, rise of 10 kings. UK has plans when Queen Elizabeth passes away, which points to King Charles as the 9th king, prophesied in Revelation 17:12, to fulfill the 10 king prophecy. All that remains is the last Queen Margrethe of Denmark.

revelation news did you know since 2013 i've been saying watch for a new king in uk in denmark besanna since 2013 and now there was a leak in the uk press where european news shows that hey the uk government is planning and have plans should queen elizabeth pass away they have this whole operation set in place should that happen with the new king prince charles his coronation so tune in to see what this has to do with the book of revelation and prophecy that you need to watch before stay tuned

hey i'm watching watching brooks welcome to the revelation christian i like to help christians understand the topics of the book of revelation and show and teach prophecy so you can see just how close we are to jesus second coming and if you think this sounds good for you and you want to learn more about these topics and join me in this journey subscribe to this youtube channel it'll push my channel out so more people can know about it and help you and help me help others serve the body of christ so definitely make sure you subscribe hit the notification bell so whenever i post a new video you will get alerted and uh stay up to date with what's going on if you definitely want to join me and join a community of revelation christians uh go over to my website and subscribe to the mailing list and that way whenever i post a new post or blog or news etc you'll get alerted and you can also download a prophecy guide that'll give you an understanding about past present and future prophecies so definitely visit my website you can find that information and you can also find information about my apparel store where i like to promote jesus creatively and try to get people more aware to the time the signs of the times so you can visit my online store there you can find information on my website about my store if you're doubtful about the prophecy i said to watch where you can also find on my website i said in june 27 2014. watch for a princess on ben's law of jordan the one i believe to be the future antichrist to meet pope francis the one i believe to be the future false prophet i said watch for these two to me three months later they met so you can find my prophecy page and all the prophecies i'm saying to watch for so that when it happens you go right there and be like whoa this dude said it would happen before habit how could you know that by the teaching of the holy spirit so go over there subscribe i would definitely appreciate it it'll help me a lot and help you help us the body of christ so we're all serving god so let's talk about the news here's something i want you to note relating to queen elizabeth's death should it happen how the government or uk will respond and how the world will react to that because again as i said and been saying since 2013 watch for a new k in uk and denmark as we're approaching the next prophecy revelation 17 12 the rise of the ten kings the last team the only ten monarchs in one concentrated area of the world that's grouped together is europe there's ten monarchies in europe so right now there's total eight kings to remain queen of denmark queen and uk once those queens are replaced by kings that will give rise to the ten king prophecy mentioned daniel in the book of revelation so let's take a look at this article so we can anticipate what will happen in the event queen elizabeth passes away uh per this article so let's jump into this okay queen's top secret death plan revealed lowering flags funeral travel chaos charles named king as i said before this is what we've been anticipating now this is very significant because again i've been saying this for so long prayer teaching the lord we need to watch the new king in uk in this case it seems it will be prince charles who will be coordinated to be king in the place of queen elizabeth should she pass away but let's go into this article and deep dive in what they what the government in the world should experience should that happen okay so here we have for the first time ever details plans known as operation london bridge first hatch in the 60s have been made public courtesy of politico it was a leak the leak also includes operation spring the plans of charles immediate succession to the throne though not his coordination some months later it's pretty significant because again we see that there needs to be a new king and replacement of the queen in this case to be her firstborn who is prince charles who's the heir to the throne so if this is the case it's the person we need to watch for should this article be true and queen elizabeth decides to give her crown to her son prince charles who will be king but his coordination will be later so this is a monarch event this is what we're expecting this is what they're talking about should happen should the place should that should queen elizabeth pass away article goes ahead and mentioned that the plans also include d-day uh in the hours after the queen's death a call cascade will take place informing the prime minister cabinet secretary and number of the most senior ministers and officials also it says here within 10 minutes flags across white hall should be lowered to half staff it also says here the royal family website will change the black holding page with a short statement confirming the queen's death we also have a mention here that the royal family will announce plans for the queen's funeral and the prime minister will hold an audience with charles a one-on-one audience with charles and the new king will deliver a broadcast nation around 6 pm and over the next 10 days queen's coffin will be brought to buckingham palace and charles will meet with top government ministers who are to recognize him as king and he will embark on the short tour of the uk with visits to scottish parliament northern ireland and wales with regards to the funeral a day of national mourning will be declared and there'll be two minutes silence across the nation at midday and processions will take place in london in windsor the queen is to be buried next to her late husband prince philip in windsor castle king george vi memorial chapel so this is such a seismic significant event that's going to happen here that article continues to talk about how there'll be so many people so much travel so much travel chaos so much influx of huge crowds of people to pay their respects to queen elizabeth it will be such a world seismic event that will get the whole world's attention to one the passing way of a historical figure like queen elizabeth long and serving a monarch on the throne but also the coronation of a new king on uk but this is also said because god wants us to see what coronation looks like in terms of a king ascending to the throne because that will happen to the antichrist princess son ben's law who will go from prince to king so that way the world will anticipate or be aware of coronation or coordinating of a king so as we see prince charles who will be coordinated as a king the world will be conditioned to that infant that incense and that that incident will be also prepared and anticipate or be prepared to see the coordination of another king it won't be so foreign to see the coordination of another king uh princess son benzela of jordan will become king hassan uh been to law of the new kingdom that he's going to uh create per daniel as it talks about the kingdom of clay and clinging to iron he's the kingdom of clay so this is so significant to really understand just how the world is going to shake it'll be god's way of getting the world to wake up to have this event happen to the most significant influential person in the world of our modern time and to see a transition in the world to a new king that will condition the should condition condition christians to be aware of another person that's going to be coordinated to king as a bible also talks about the rise of 10 kings in brother relation 17 12 what we don't need to watch for so i'll put the description below to read the entire article where you can learn more about what the uk government plans to do in terms of what will happen when queen elizabeth pass away the government security how to deal with the influx of people and how to deal with covet how to deal with all these different things that's going to happen when that uh takes place but i definitely want you to see and be aware of what this this is not by accident folks that a leak to describe what to do what the government will do and the government's response to queen elizabeth passed away in preparation for a new king prince charles being uh coordinated as new king of uk so there's a biblical significance to this because it's preparing us for revelation 17 12. so i really hope that you enjoyed this news revelation news update if you did give me a like leave me a comment below i'd love to know what you thought about it thank you so much for watching and don't lose help because remember jesus is coming




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