The Revelation Watchman
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Your feedback is invaluable to me! I am committed to providing the best teaching experience possible and would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your thoughts in a review. Your insights help me understand what I’m doing well and where I can improve. It is my humble pleasure to serve you and the Body of Christ, passionately teaching Bible prophecy through the Book of Revelation and highlighting the current events God is revealing to us. Thank you for being a part of our prophecy-watching community. I look forward to hearing from you and growing together in our faith journey!
Naomi Guidry
I found The Revelation Christian on YouTube some years back, and have been following him since. The explanation he provides for each part of the end times that’s happening in real time is absolutely fascinating and very informative. He takes the time to explain everything with such detail. Any question I have ever asked him was responded to with such clarity and heart. I don’t know West personally, but I consider him a very close friend in Christ. I appreciate all the hard work he puts into his testimony and all the time he takes to create his content to share with all of us!
Christian Lebron
I’ve been on this journey with my friend Wes for about 11 or 12 years he’s one of the most humble empathetic most pure humans I’ve ever met. The knowledge and wisdom that has been bestowed on his shoulders for him to shoulder throughout this life is a burden that he must carry and be diligent about it in the context of humility, he has been such an instrumental person in my faith in the Lord throughout our Bible study throughout the years and just the level of knowledge and wisdom, and his ability to connect, contextually the entire Bible and cooperate extra biblical text, like the book of Enoch, the book of Jasper And many many other books is absolutely par with post doctorate degree material I challenge any PhD student theologist globally to sit down with him and have a dialogue because the Christian community as a whole has zero clue as to something as simple as the second return of Jesus Christ, or something as simple as The tribulation tribulation rapture this comment is not made for contention. It’s supposed to be thought-provoking to unite the community because more more content will be coming out on his behalf, and the more the scientific community comes out with the proof that alien life exist. He will systematically prove that this alien life is just The watchers the fallen angels I’m so thrilled for what the future has to hold with Wes and his family and his ministry. I am along for this ride, and so should you praise the Lord
Jonathan Lebron
First of all God bless you all. I would like to take this time to thank West and his amazing family because the work he puts in to keep us all informed takes time and I’m sure the family has to be on the same page for our brother west to be able to spend the time it takes to be able to be in tune with the Holy Spirit like West does. I’ve known West for well over Ten years. I have had the privilege of meeting him and being able to be his translator for an event hosted at our church which is pro dominantly Spanish speaking. The wisdom and know that this young man has is mind blowing. I’m my walk with the lord I have met many wise and knowledgeable people but I’ve never met one so humble and one who is able to make or take what the Holy Spirit has passed on to him so easy and understandable. I struggled to understand certain things of the end times and with ease and such a humble heart he would and still helps me understand them in my perception. We all perceive and assimilate things according to our level of understanding but he has definitely got a God given talent of making anything that might seem complex simple and easy to comprehend. I am a follower of Christ and I do not solely put my trust in any man or woman as the word says but I have tested brother West’s spirit and he has through and through proven that he is a man of God acting in accordance to the word without adding or subtracting from it. In the over ten years I have know him he has been on point and his predictions have come to past. Ten kings, came to past just recently, pope Francis and Prince Hassan Bin Talal meeting ( false prophet and Antichrist make alliance) came to past, so many things the Holy Spirit has shown him that he has shared with us that have been on point. Stay humble and much love to you brother West. For those who don’t follow him please do and help support his ministry but making donations or buying his merchandise. God bless you all.
Annette Enkhorn
God brought West into my life over 12 years ago and the first thing I noticed was how he and I both had been given the same revelation about Pope Francis being the False Prophet to the Antichrist. I’d never come across someone else willing to state this truth and was thankful to God for providing me with confirmation through Brother West. I’ve watched and prayed for clarity and Brother West is a true watcher. He has done his biblical homework and has the Holy Spirit in his ear, guiding him to the Truth of what must happen before the Antichrist will make himself known. His prophecy claims so far have come to be and we are now on the cusp of the Antichrist showing himself. I’ve always known that this person would not be who the world expects causing many to not believe and to be fooled and all that Brother West has shared about Prince Hassan Bin Tahal of Jordon makes absolute biblical sense …not worldly sense, which is how it should be. Always study & trust in God’s Word, seek the Holy Spirit for clarity & discernment, and you will have eyes to see and ears to hear, unlike those who lack true whole heart belief. 💛
Alexander Macinnes
In the vast realm of online resources for Bible studies, this website has truly stood out as a beacon of knowledge and insight. As a passionate seeker of biblical wisdom, I was first introduced to this website via Instagram and have since found it to be an invaluable trove of information, particularly in its adept interpretation of the intricate nuances within the Book of Revelations. The website's content is nothing short of comprehensive, offering a depth of understanding that caters to both novice and seasoned scholars. The well-organized structure ensures easy accessibility, allowing users to navigate through the labyrinth of biblical interpretations with ease. Each section is meticulously laid out, providing a guided learning experience. What sets this website apart is not just the abundance of information, but also its ability to guide readers towards profound truths. The interpretations presented here go beyond surface-level analysis, delving into the often misunderstood and thought-provoking aspects of the biblical revelations. It is evident that the creators of this platform have invested time and effort into crafting a resource that not only informs but also inspires contemplation. I found this information for Bible studies, very helpful with scholarly depth. Whether you are a seasoned theologian or a curious seeker of truth, this website is a must-visit, promising a rewarding exploration of biblical revelations for our times.